GB Strains
Auto Bubblegum XXL

Auto Bubblegum XXL

gezüchtet von GB Strains

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Infos vom Züchter

Auto Bubblegum XXL ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±75 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. GB Strains' Auto Bubblegum XXL ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

GB Strains' Auto Bubblegum XXL Beschreibung

GB Strains Auto Bubblegum XXL Auto Bubblegum XXL by GB Strains is a direct descendant from the very popular 4th Generation Auto flowering Bubblegum cultivar. This well-balance hybrid with indica predominance tastes like acid strawberry chewing gum and stands out for its dense flowers, loaded with shiny glands and trichomes full of resin.

It has a dense and compact structure and it's easy to grow by all types of growers, regardless of their level of experience. It was originally developed by Indiana growers (USA), and later traveled to the Netherlands, becoming one of the most famous strains in the cannabis market. Its performance and popularity have helped it win the prestigious High Times Cannabis Cup more than 10 times.

How to grow Auto Bubblegum XXL marijuana seeds?
Learn to grow Auto Bubblegum indoors
9 plants per square meter will be enough to fill up all your growing space, as long as they are properly cared for, without watering excessively at the start of its vegetative stage. Auto Bubblegum XXL will grow past 1 m and it will be ready for harvest 75 days after its germination, yielding more than 450 grams per square meter.

For best results you should use light soil aired in peat, hummus and perlite. Make sure the soil is not pressed together too much, as this would prevent the roots from receiving enough oxygen. So as to avoid this, you should use Light Mix Boom Nutrients or Janeco Light Mix by Atami, both perfect for auto flowering strains.

Learn to grow Auto Bubblegum XXL outdoors
This strain is perfect for beginners when grown outdoors, as it can easily exceed 75 grams per plant and reach between 0.7 and 1.3 metres in height. By taking advantage of the remaining leaves, you can obtain huge quantities of sweet hash (dry extraction). A full growth period is completed 75 days after germination.

Although this cultivar behaves great outdoors, it can be quite delicate during the first part of the flowering phase, as the foliage tends to turn yellow. Maintaining correct pH and EC levels avoids magnesium and calcium deficits.

Auto Bubblegum XXL Flavors and Effects
Aroma and Flavor
Auto Bubblegum XXL flavors and aromas are well-known in the marijuana world, clearly evoking strawberry chewing gum. A sweet and fruity flavor that will remind you of cherries, raspberries and wild fruits.

This indica dominant hybrid features perfectly well-balanced effects with medium THC levels that go from a cerebral euphoria to muscle relaxation. On the other hand, thanks to its sativa aspect, you will stay awake and happy but pleasantly calm. Therefore, this plant is recommended to ease muscle pain such as arthritis, swelling or spasms, as well as to battle glaucoma or hypertension.

Important Data Auto Bubblegum XXL strain
Sativa/Indica: 40/60%.
Flowering:75 days after its germination.
Height: 0.6-1-3 m indoor and outdoor.

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Auto Bubblegum XXL Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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