Kera Seeds
Amnesia Mac Ganja

Amnesia Mac Ganja

gezüchtet von Kera Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Amnesia Mac Ganja (Alias: AMG Haze oder Amnesia Mac Ganja Haze) ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Kera Seeds' Amnesia Mac Ganja ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Kera Seeds' Amnesia Mac Ganja Beschreibung

Kera Seeds Amnesia Mac Ganja Amnesia Mac Ganja! is a crossing between the original Amnesia and a Mexican Haze. Designed and developed by the master himself "the Ganja Man".

Amnesia Mac Ganja! is a strong and powerful plant and very popular because of its extremely strong effect and sweet herbal flavour. It’s probably one of the most famous and strongest types of Haze in the world. This unique strain was sold as a regular edition only in the past. But after years of hard work we are very proud to present you the feminized edition. This strain will be available from the beginning of 2014.

The Amnesia Mac Ganja!, 80% Sativa en 20% Indica, is the result of years of growing, crossing and improving. It is a crossing between the original Amnesia and a Mexican Haze, designed and developed by the master himself "the Ganja Man". The Amnesia owes its name to the fact it would cause loss of memory, but with this crossing you will lose your mind for sure. This strain is a true cup winner and is one of the most popular strains in the Dutch Coffee shops.

The Amnesia Mac Ganja! Has a short blooming period of only 9 weeks, but this doesn’t affect the delicious, specific Haze scent and flavour. This Sativa-dominant plant will give you a medium yield and will grow between 80 and 100 cm tall. The Amnesia Mac Ganja! is especially suitable for indoor grow, but in warmer climates she can also be grown outdoors. The Amnesia Mac Ganja! is a sensitive plant, so it does require some extra attention. Don’t let this scare you off, because it’s absolutely worth it.

Amnesia Mac Ganja! has a sweet and herbal-like Haze scent and flavour. The Ganja Man is real Haze fanatic and you can tell by the way the traditional Haze-traits have been optimized with this plant. When you smoke Amnesia Mac Ganja!, you’ll soon notice the powerful effects. Your world will be put upside-down because of the spicy and sweet flavour and overwhelming, almost hallucinational high. No other type of cannabis will get you as relaxed as this one. Medically, Amnesia Mac Ganja! can be used to reduce stress, pain and anxiety.

THC: 22%
CBD: Low
Yield when grown indoors: 400 - 450 grams per m2
Yield when grown outdoors: 350 - 400 grams per dried plant
Height when grown indoors: 80 - 120 cm
Height when grown outdoors: 140 - 200 cm
Blooms: About 9 weeks
Harvest: October
Genetic background: Amnesia X Mexican Haze
Sativa - Indica: 80% Sativa 20% Indica

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Amnesia Mac Ganja Auszeichnungen / Cups

Kera Seeds' Amnesia Mac Ganja ist eine preisgekrönte Sorte und wurde mit 5 Preisen ausgezeichnet (zwischen 2014 und 2019)!

Platz 2
für Kera Seeds beim
Highlife Cup 2019
Bio - Haze
Platz 2
für Kera Seeds beim
Highlife Cup 2018
Bio - Haze
Platz 3
für Kera Seeds beim
Highlife Cup 2016
Bio - Haze
Platz 1
für Kera Seeds beim
Highlife Cup 2015
Bio - Haze
Platz 1
für Kera Seeds beim
Highlife Cup 2014
Hydro - Haze

Amnesia Mac Ganja Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Amnesia Mac Ganja Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Amnesia Mac Ganja in unserer dynamischen Karte

Amnesia Mac Ganja Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Amnesia Mac Ganja probably

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