AK47 Auto

AK47 Auto

gezüchtet von Goldenseed

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Infos vom Züchter

AK47 Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±70 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Goldenseeds AK47 Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Goldenseeds AK47 Auto Beschreibung

Goldenseed AK47 Auto AK-47 The new wave of auto-flowering hybrids is finally here, and leading from the front is the Automatic AK74. This was our first foray into the auto-flowering world and still our favourite. Everything that we loved about the AK47 has been left intact from its beautiful aroma and resin encrusted buds through to its unique bud structure and astonishing potency. It can be grown virtually anywhere. Balconies, patios, window boxes, indoors or outdoors, connoisseur grade marijuana is now attainable for every grower. Auto-flowering strains flower in response to age rather than light cycle. Automatic AK74 will grow vegetatively for approximately 14 days then enter into a rapid, almost violent flowering period. For the next 56 days they will branch out profusely, throw out pistils in their thousands, calyxes will swell and a coating of resin glands will make the mature plant glisten as if dusted with fine diamonds. Odour levels are quite high and a large quantity of flowering females can certainly produce quite an aroma. There are 2 distinct variations in aroma, one is somewhat spicy and the other is sweet but both types produce the same effect. Previously, especially in the northern hemisphere, the average grower was limited to the strains one could grow successfully. Now with Automatic AK74 you can grow marijuana that before, many would have no chance of fully ripening under natural outdoor conditions. With a lifespan of a mere 70 days from seed to harvest it is not only possible to get an early harvest of high quality marijuana but multiple harvests per season. Indoors, a perpetual harvest has never been easier to maintain. The increased height compared to earlier auto-flowering strains brings with it increased yield. Indoors under lights is the optimum growing environment for Automatic AK74, coupled with a light regime of 20/4 and adequate root space, yield can easily surpass 40g per plant but even outdoors with no supplemental lighting during summer, 30g per plant is very common. We believe that our Automatic AK47 is the most potent auto-flowering hybrid available as well as the heaviest yielder.

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AK47 Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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