Humboldt Seed Org.
White Runtz Fast Flowering

White Runtz Fast Flowering

gezüchtet von Humboldt Seed Organisation

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Infos vom Züchter

White Runtz Fast Flowering ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±74 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Humboldt Seed Org.s White Runtz Fast Flowering ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Humboldt Seed Org.s White Runtz Fast Flowering Beschreibung

Humboldt Seed Organisation White Runtz Fast Flowering The breeding team at H.S.O. have combined a White Runtz phenotype selected for its heavy yields, vigorous development and ease of cultivation with their own special uncirculated elite OG Kush auto to create this fast flowering and productive variety.

White Runtz Fast Flowering - Gelato, Zkittlez & OG
White Runtz has found massive popularity over the last few years, originally created on the west coast of the USA by crossing Zkittlez and Gelato, the resulting flowers took the scene by storm, having a huge bag appeal due to the pretty purple and blue colours of the buds in contrast with the white coating of trichomes, but also an intensely sweet fruit candy flavour and a prfoundly relaxing effect.

To make this variety, Humboldt Seed Organization has crossed their highly productive and vigorous selection of White Runtz with their uncirculated OG auto, which shortens the flowering time without sacrificing the best characteristics of White Runtz.

White Runtz Fast Flowering, sweet fruit candy flavours in 60 days
The ruderalis genetics inherited from the OG auto mean that the flowering time of White Runtz Fast Flowering has been reduced to just 60 days of 12/12 indoors, for a generous harvest of dense buds. In outdoor cultivation, plants should be ready to harvest in late September or early October, giving impressive yields when grown in full soil and full sun.

The finished flowers are rock-hard and range in colour from green to purple to blue, covered with an exuberant layer of bright white resin with a delicious sour, sugary flavour and notes of berries. The effect is happy, powerful and relaxing, calming the mind, soothing the body and perfect for lifting your mood.

HSO White Runtz Fast Flowering info:
Genetics: White Runtz x OG Auto
Type: Feminised F1 fast version cannabis seeds
Genotype: 70% indica, 20& ruderalis, 10% sativa
Indoor flowering: 8.5 weeks
Outdoor harvest: September/October
Yield: High

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