Strain Hunters
White Lemon

White Lemon (Strain Hunters Seed Bank) :: Sorten-Steckbrief :: Indoor

Steckbrief für White Lemon (von Strain Hunters Seed Bank)

Dieser Steckbrief wurde aus 2 Einzel-Profilen generiert, unser Dank geht im einzelnen an: Berry Batch und Jubei

Informationen zum Wachstum der Pflanzen:

Blütezeit Indoor
Zwischen 58 und 67 Tagen (im Schnitt 63 Tage)
Stretch nach Einleitung der Blüte
±120 Prozent
Einleitung der Blüte im Schnitt bei 50 cm. - Endhöhe im Schnitt bei 110 cm.
sehr viele; lang sowie sehr stark und kräftig.
Die Pflanzen dieser Sorte...
...benötigen nicht viel Pflege.
...sind tolerant bei Über- oder Unterdüngung.
...sind tolerant bei größeren Temperaturschwankungen.
...haben keine Probleme mit niedrigen Temperaturen.
...haben keine Probleme mit hohen Temperaturen.
...sind eine gute Wahl für Anfänger.
...sind eine gute Wahl für den kommerziellen Anbau.
...sollten in der Blüte gestützt werden (Netze, JoJos, Stöcke).
...reagieren gut auf das Beschneiden des Haupttriebes.
...sind nicht anfällig für Pilzkrankheiten.
...sind nicht anfällig für Schimmel.
...wachsen eher wie eine Indica.
...benötigen viel Raum nach oben.
...sind gut geeignet für einen ScroG (Screen of Green).
...bilden viele, dicke Buds an den Seitentrieben.

Ernte, Ertrag, Geschmack, Geruch, Stärke und Wirkungsweise

Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist großartig.
Das Verhältnis von Blüten zu Blättern ist super.
Die getrockneten Buds sind sehr hart und sehr kompakt.
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist sehr stark und wirkt langanhaltend.


White Lemon (Strain Hunters Seed Bank)

ist alles in allem extrem gut und wirklich empfehlenswert
(Im Schnitt 9 Punkte auf einer Skala zwischen 0 und 10 !)

Weitere Informationen

Berry Batch meint

Overall rating: 8/10

Easy to grow and also fast and rewarding strain. El nino pheno has almost rock hard nugs, and SLH pheno has long and hard buds. (longest top: about 45cm)

LST and other bending methods works fine. ...may stretch quite a lot when flowering. (11.08.2015 um 16:08 Uhr)

Jubei meint

Got three plants from three seeds. All germinated without problems and quickly grew into vigorous and healthy plants. While three different phenos could be made out, all three shared a very similar growth structure, which is characterized by very strong side branches that reach to overtop the main-stem. All react very well to topping, can take up high amounts of nutrients during their entire life-cycle and are easy and fast to clone.

Pheno #1 – Hybrid pheno: The tallest and most vigorous of the three. Perfectly combines both sides of the indica/sativa spectrum. Yield is 8/10; the buds are extremely hairy; not too big, but very compact. She’s done in 65 days.

The aroma is a 50/50 blend of cedarwood, spicy haze notes and sour, yet fruity skunk notes that merge into a very tangy orange-skunk aroma that get’s more and more pronounces during the curing process. [8/10]

The taste is very intense and long lasting: On the inhale it’s all skunk and oranges, with slight notes of earth. On the exhale it’s predominantly piney. Also: Very nice! [9/10]

The high is rather stupefying at first, but after about 15 minutes it transforms into a very relaxed all-around buzz, that’s quite strong, very long lasting and pleasant [8/10]

Overall rating for this pheno would be a 8.5/10.

Pheno #2 – Haze pheno: Very vigorous as well, yet a little slower than #1; the internodal distance is slightly longer and the side branches are also a little less robust – a little lankier overall. Yield is 8/10; the buds tend to develop foxtails, but are extremely dense. She’s done in 63 days.

The aroma is very hazy and sweet, no skunk in there at all – a mixture of wood, spices and red berries. Nice, but not too intense. [6.5/10]

The taste is predominantly hashy, accompanied with some subtle haze notes and a slight sweetness. Again: nice, but not too intense. [7/10]

The high is the reason why I won’t be grower her again: While its onset is very fast and very Sativa-like, it’s just too strong, racy and paranoid – she’s almost terrifying. In low doses it’s OK, but beware of smoking too much: You WILL end up wanting to pull a blanket over your head^^ [4/10]

Overall rating for this pheno would be 7,5/10.

EDIT: Running her 70 days or more has a significant effect on the high. In fact, letting her 'amber-up' a little more results in a very intense head high, that is rather easy to manage. Hence, I'll correct my initial rating for the high and give her an [8,5/10].

Pheno #3 – Indica pheno: Almost as vigorous as #1, but a little slower. She has the thickest stalks and branches and the sturdiest structure. Yield is 10/10; the buds are long and compact with big calyxes and a literal crust of trichomes. She takes 70 days to fully mature.

The aroma is blasting: extremely skunky, very lemony and even a little cheesy, but also tropical and sweet. During the last week the skunky, lemony sourness is accompanied by a very pronounced pine aroma – very intense! Perfect! [10/10]

The taste is just as spectacular and intense as the smell. On the inhale it’s super skunky, super lemony and slightly sweet. On the exhale it’s very earthy and extremely piney, literally like a pine tree. In addition she leaves a very intense incense-aroma, which is a very nice bonus. Again: Perfect! [10/10]

The high is very strong and long lasting, yet very mellow. A tiny bit racy in the first 15 minutes, but overall something very, very nice. [9/10]

The overall rating for this pheno is definitely a 10/10 and hence my keeper J

Overall, I can definitely recommend trying Strainhunters White Lemon, as I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for, when you run a hand full of seeds. I’m extremely happy with the great plants I got from my tiny pack of 3 seeds. Go for it! J [9/10] (01.09.2017 um 08:59 Uhr)

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