Sumo Seeds
West Coast Bubbles Auto

West Coast Bubbles Auto

gezüchtet von Sumo Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

West Coast Bubbles Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±70 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Sumo Seeds' West Coast Bubbles Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Sumo Seeds' West Coast Bubbles Auto Beschreibung

Sumo Seeds West Coast Bubbles Auto Looking for a sweet flavored and fast cannabis strain? West Coast Bubbles Auto will give you what you are looking for. An easily recognized sweet, chewing gum aroma and flavor will directly noticed when tasting this true sweet indica dominant auto-flowering strain. It gives us the feeling like cruising the boulevards of the west coast beaches in the USA. Her heritage is from the United States and we further developed it in The Netherlands. Not only her aroma reminds us of chewing gum but she will flower nice sticky buds covered with shiny resinous crystals. Put on your favorite hip-hop track and enjoy her sweet taste while bopping your head to the fine tunes and relaxing indica effect.

Type: 60% indica 10% sativa 30% Ruderalis
Genetic Background: West coast bubbles X Ruderalis
Lifecycle: 10 weeks
Harvest month: 10 weeks
Zone outdoor: A,B,C
Height Indoor: 40 -60cm
Height Outdoor: 60 – 80 cm
Yield Indoor: 300-400 g/m2
Yield Outdoor: 40-100 gr
Effect: Relaxing indica effect
Taste: Sweet sugar
THC: medium
CBD: low

Flowering time and appearance
From start to finish in only 10 weeks. Outdoors she needs a bit more time to fully achieve her potential. She will form a nice big Cola with several side branches. Make sure that the whole plant is placed directly in the sun. A short indica appearance with thick leaves and a giant main cola. She will start flowering in the 3rd week of the cultivation. The best results for indoor growers is to out her on a 20/4 light schedule.

Yield indoor/outdoor
You can count on a harvest between 300-400 g/m2 indoors. Outdoors you can collect a harvest between 40 to 100 grams per cannabis plant. Place her in a large container to increase her harvest. Make sure you don’t put her on a diet but give her enough fertilizers.

Effect |THC | CBD
A nice mellow relaxing indica effect with a medium value of THC. A great strain to relax with and have a loungy Sunday afternoon.

Taste and odor
Our sweetest flavored strain in our autoflower collection. Our favorite for anyone looking for a sweet bubblegum like cannabis experience.

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