Jungle Boys
Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake

gezüchtet von Jungle Boys

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Infos vom Züchter

Wedding Cake ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen angebaut werden. Jungle Boys' Wedding Cake ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Jungle Boys' Wedding Cake Beschreibung

Wedding Cake, sometimes known as Pink Cookies, is a strain that leans on some very popular genetics to yield a balanced high and a dynamic taste. It is a cross between sour hybrid Cherry Pie and the universally appealing Girl Scout Cookies. And although its flavor may vary depending on the phenotype, Wedding Cake doesn’t exactly taste like any traditional nuptial dessert most have ever tasted — instead, its profile is mostly sour and tangy with just a hint of creaminess. Increasingly popular for its well-rounded effects, Wedding Cake has both recreational and medical applications. Cannabis testing lab Analytical 360 has founded flowers of this strain to have between 16 and a staggering 25% THC.

This Cake is distinguished by its very large and colorful flowers. The chunky, globular nuggets adhere in a dense, indica-typical bud structure, with tightly curling leaves. The leaves themselves are an earthy green to brown. They are threaded through with orange hairs, which are actually pistils, meant to catch pollen from fertilizing male plants. A high concentration of trichomes gives this strain its high THC levels as well as an incredibly sticky texture. Wedding Cake’s buds are as aromatically striking as they are visually impressive.

When properly cured, they smell vegetal: damp and mossy with just a hint of citrus. Hanging out underneath is a skunky funk that betrays the influence of grandparent strain OG Kush, while breaking up or grinding the buds gives off notes of spicy sandalwood. When combusted, Wedding Cake may be harsh, stinging smokers’ sinuses or throats with its acrid smoke. It tastes sweet and rich on the exhale, with a super subtle creamy mouthfeel that some might compare to the taste of might compare to cake.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Wedding Cake Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Wedding Cake Stammbaum-Karte

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Wedding Cake Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Heart Shape Cloud
{Zkittles Cake x Wedding Cake} x Sky Candy Gelato
Lucky Star
{Zkittlez Cake x Wedding Cake} x Starfighter IBL
Mega Cake
Wedding Cake x Mazar-I-Sharif

Karte der Wedding Cake Nachfahren

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Wedding Cake Videos

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