

gezüchtet von SubCool’s The Dank

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Infos vom Züchter

UVA ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±58 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. SubCools UVA ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

SubCools UVA Beschreibung

SubCool’s The Dank UVA UVA, the Oaxacan landrace meets the famous Querkle
UVA was created by Subcool with the goal to modernise one of the 1970s greatest weed classics imported to the USA: Oaxacan Gold, a Mexican landrace genetics, with a visual, positive and entertaining effect, and a fruity and spicy fragrance. This cross with the Querkle brings colours and flavours of red fruits to the Mexican landrace, while taming its Sativa nature, giving more compact plants and a faster and more consistent flowering.

The resultant hybrid gives 50/50 Sativa - Indica plants with a balanced, medium to tall height depending on the grow environment and the phenotype being cultivated. UVA has a flowering period that doesn't exceed 56 to 60 days. In order to optimise the harvest, Subcool recommends pruning the cannabis plants twice during their vegetative growth phase, in order to limit their height and encourage the formation of bud sites.

UVA, a fruity and psychedelic variety
The buds of the UVA are composed of large, fleshy and swollen calyxes, generously covered with sticky and fragrant resin, while its foliage will easily acquire colours ranging from purple to golden through pink or mauve.

Its terpene profile is fruity, combining notes of grape, plum and red fruit on a spicy background enriched with hints of peanut butter.

The effect of the UVA is intense and psychedelic, visual and colourful, inspiring and permitting a rapid disconnection, to reach a positive and happy state.

TGA Subcool Seeds UVA info:
Type: Regular seedsç
Genetics: Highland Oaxacan Gold X Cannabis Querkle
50/50 Sativa - Indica hybrid
Flowering indoors: 56 to 60 days
Yield: Medium to high
Suitable for growing indoors and outdoors
Best mode of cultivation: prune the plants twice during growth, to favour a bushy and branched structure
Taste and smell: Grape, plums, red fruit candy, spicy

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