Elemental Seeds
The True OG

The True OG

gezüchtet von Elemental Seeds

Hier findest du alle Infos zu The True OG von Elemental Seeds. Wenn du nach Infos zu The True OG von Elemental Seeds suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen, Galerie, Rau(s)ch-Bericht, Cannabis-Cups, Rezensionen, Abstammung / Genealogie, Hybriden / Kreuzungen oder Kommentare zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Infos vom Züchter

The True OG ist eine indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Elemental Seeds' The True OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Elemental Seeds' The True OG Beschreibung

Elemental Seeds The True OG The story of the True OG starts in the rolling hills and dense vegetation of Topanga Canyon in unincorporated Los Angeles County which has always beckoned bohemians and artists because of the privacy and sheer beauty it affords. The level of privacy ensured by numerous high-profile residents coupled with a steady water supply has made it an attractive area for both indoor and outdoor growers. It was from this area that the San Jose collective Elemental Wellness obtained 10 cuts of True OG for $50 a piece in 2004. Over six years of cultivating and perfecting the strain paid off for Elemental Wellness at the 2010 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup, where they won a 2nd place in the indica category for the signature True OG strain, proving that the Kush strains still continue to generate seriously strong buzz.

"The sheer power of the True 0G..makes this strain
a keeper for any grower looking for the real deal.." -Danny Danko

The judges would all agree, as Elemental Wellness's exclusive strain has won the High Times Cannabis Cup seven times, was featured on the cover of High Times Magazine, earning a coveted position on the High Times list of Ten Best Strains of 2014, and was named Strongest Strain on Earth at the 2016 Jamaican High Times Cup! You'd be hard pressed to find a more decorated and celebrated strain in the medical cannabis community. Although its origins are said to lie in the hills of Topanga Canyon, the True OG remains both a mystery and a well-guarded secret. However, it is no secret that this miraculous flower provides patients with supreme healing power. A stunning heavy Indica hybrid, this exclusively prized strain has a deep pine and gasoline aroma, and delivers a heavy cerebral euphoria, and intense body effect.

Flowering time – 56-62 days

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

The True OG Auszeichnungen / Cups

Elemental Seeds' The True OG ist eine preisgekrönte Sorte und wurde mit 2 Preisen ausgezeichnet (zwischen 2012 und 2013)!

Platz 2
für Elemental Seeds beim
High Times Cannabis Cup 2013
Platz 2
für Elemental Seeds beim
High Times Cannabis Cup 2012

The True OG Sortensteckbriefe

Wir haben Rezensionen / Steckbriefe von 3 Gärtnern zu The True OG gesammelt.

Gesamteindruck Indoor

Blütezeit Indoor
63 - 63 Tage (±63 Tage)
Ernte-Menge Indoor
Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist etwas überdurchschnittlich
Gesamteindruck Indoor
The True OG ist alles in allem ein durchaus guter Strain
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist wahnsinnig stark und wirkt langanhaltend
User Bewertung
The True OG kommt im Durchschnitt auf 7.50 von 10 möglichen Punkten!

Bekannte Phänotypen:

  1. großer, gestreckter, schnell blühender, indica-lastiger Phänotyp #2

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The True OG Rau(s)ch-Bericht

Unsere Besucher haben The True OG verkostet und ihre Eindrücke bezüglich Aroma, Geschmack und Wirkung von Elemental Seeds' The True OG hochgeladen. Hier eine kurze Übersicht - und klicke auch auf die Kreisdiagramme, um eine genaue Beschreibung zu erhalten und ähnliche Cannabissorten zu finden!

Geruch / Aroma

~21% süße Zitrone ~21% Limone ~3% Diesel ~50% Zitronig ~7% Chemisch ~7% Erdig ~60% Sauer ~20% Bitter ~20% Mikrobiologisch

Das Aroma / Der Geruch von The True OG kann am besten als Sauer (Zitronig) und zusätzlich als ein wenig Bitter (ein klein wenig Chemisch) und Mikrobiologisch (ein klein wenig Erdig) beschrieben werden. more


~60% Sauer ~20% Bitter ~20% Mikrobiologisch

Der Geschmack der The True OG wurde als Sauer und zusätzlich als ein wenig Bitter und Mikrobiologisch angegeben. more

Effekt / Wirkung

~30% Leichtsinnig ~12% Erheiternd ~6% Entspannend ~12% Psychedelisch ~13% Beruhigend ~6% Tatkräftig ~6% Appetitanregend ~60% Geistig ~40% Körperlich

The True OG wirkt zuerst kräftig Geistig (Leichtsinnig und auch ein wenig Erheiternd und Psychedelisch) aber wirkt auch Körperlich (ein wenig Beruhigend und Tatkräftig). more

The True OG Galerie

Hier siehst Du die neuesten, von unseren Benutzern hochgeladenen The True OG Fotos. Insgesamt haben wir 5 Bilder von Elemental Seeds' The True OG gesammelt, check doch mal hier unsere The True OG Galerie aus, um sie Dir alle anzusehen.

The True OG Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

The True OG Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte The True OG in unserer dynamischen Karte

The True OG Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Grizzly Kush
The True OG x {The True OG x Unknown Strain Abba Zabba}
Mango Tango
The True OG x {Tangie x Peaches}

Karte der The True OG Nachfahren

Wenn du an einem grossen Bildschirm sitzt und nicht am Handy, schau dir auch unsere dynamische Karte mit allen bekannten The True OG Kreuzungen und Nachfahren an! (aber es kann eventuell ein bisschen dauern bis alle Daten geladen und verarbeitet wurden!)

Kommentare zu The True OG

Alles in Allem haben wir 4 Benutzerkommentare über Elemental Seeds' The True OG zusammengetragen. Leider ist bisher kein einziger Kommentar auf Deutsch verfasst worden, deswegen zeigen wir dir hier ersteinmal die Englischen Kommentare:

- 08.04.2019

I attempted to add comments about an authentic The True OG seed I purchased directly in Elemental Wellness in San Jose, CA when sold one-time in 2014 I think. (I posted a previous informational comments) In 2017 outdoor season in the East Bay of San Francisco Bay area I sprouted a number of plants to grow and bloom outdoors in a dangerous hood. No one steals from me. An MMJ patient in CA can grow 100' feet if the city does not ban it, and my city does not so I grow a very full 10' x 10' square. Among my own created seeds I grew many from TGA Genetics as it was then called. The Weed Nerd guy. And I grew one of my few The True OG seeds. Most of my plants are shorter and wider hybrids, or short and stout Indica's. I took all of my outdoor plants and crossed them all with seed-strain, "Dr Who". It made many previously scrawny plants with poor branching have superb branching, and a lot of the misc offspring make a purple plant although it is never cold here. With my one "The True OG" seed it was a female and quickly outpaced the other plants to reach 6' when the others were mostly 4'. It was tall and with long spread out branches it looked like it would not do well in the bud production and I tied it down to help avoid scrutiny. When I went to smoke it there were so many seeds made that I put it aside to smoke buds that were less of a pain. I purposely seeded all of my outdoor plants with one male out of at least 25 I killed. I make seeds from a $2K+ collection and I can sprout countless seeds. After smoking through 3,000 grams of cannabis from 20 different plants which were all excellent, doing construction for 9 months in my basement, I ran low and started smoking really seeded weed. I've smoked so much in blunts that it's sometimes difficult to notice a high. One day while smoking my strain, The True OG x Dr Who, I realized that I was suddenly super-high through an all-day smoking buzz. It's the strongest strain I have grown in 100 plants I've budded, including elite clones, seed strains, and some original The True OG. It was good, but I then also had super-bud from another 25 plants I had grown and nothing stood out so obviously. I took that plant and crossed it with Jillybean last season and will grow them outdoors this year and see if the Jillybean slows down the tallness and maybe makes more buds. The buds are more dense than the Sativa dominant hybrids I grow. I possess seeds of True OG x Dr Who, and (True OG x Dr Who) x Jillybean. It's remarkably strong.

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- 05.10.2016

Monster yielding OG Kush with all the lemon-pledge flavor and knockout power you're searching for. The Truth is out there, if you can find it. Elemental rarely drops these beans... So the legend grows.

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- 06.03.2016

Kommentar ist mit The True OG Steckbrief verknüpft!

I created an account to add some other information besides the guy whose seeds did not sprout. First of all, I am in the San Francisco Bay Area of California and more specifically in the San Jose area where the MMJ provider known as Elemental Wellness is located. They are the creator of the strain, or more like the extreme developer of a previously existing strain. I have only seen these seeds offered for sale one time only at the MMJ provider. They sold for $195 for six. If you go in Happy Hour you can get a 15% discount on all products including seeds and clones. So, I would imagine if the other contributor tried to pop seven seeds that means that they were likely sold by a secondary (or worse) seller who possibly recreated the seeds themselves, since they are so rarely sold. They have not been offered one time in 18 months since i bought a six-pack. I also failed two seeds upon initial attempts at sprouting, but i also failed a total of $200 retail of seeds including The True OG seeds. I did another round of sprouting but went back to basics of the paper-towel method and i popped one out of one True OG seed i tried. It grew tall quickly. Had few side branches. Was hecka-spindly and thin. Grew tall quickly so i flowered it as it did not look very great TBH and i tend to pop a lot of seeds for kicks. This plant budded next to a 9LB Hammer which hermied and created seeds on The True OG. I grew The True OG to see what it was like. I bought the seeds because they win contests and have been tested at between 30% THC and upwards of 35% one time that it was sold. So, super high THC potential. It does not always hit 30% but is dependent on conditions and the time of the year. Cool times and Spring-sold bud seems to be hitting the super-highs, and it ranges down into low 20% THC levels as well. I am re-vegging the one plant and will then grow clones. It grew too fast and lame to really pull good clones the first time around, but I plan to grow these clones out and I still possess three seeds of the original six to grow later. The buds are NEVER discounted below $60 US at MMJ. Plus there is nearly 20% tax here. Only the very best weed does not ever go on to a lower price when sold and these are the clones and seeds that i grow and buy. Just the expensive stuff like this, elite clones, and TGA seed products. This is the only feminized I have ever bought. Also, they have never once sold real clones of this strain so it is being Strain Hoarded very well. Smoke report is fine. I smoke a lot and it's all top-shelf, organic homegrown. It's good, but the clones will portray the strain in a better light later and I will report better at that time. This was from seed and not old enough to express its' full potential.

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- 05.11.2015

Kommentar ist mit The True OG Steckbrief verknüpft!

Bought seven seeds exhausted all of them and got no plants cost me well over two hundred dollars

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