Swabi Pakistani

Swabi Pakistani

gezüchtet von MassMedicalStrains

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Infos vom Züchter

Swabi Pakistani ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. MassMedicalStrains' Swabi Pakistani ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

MassMedicalStrains' Swabi Pakistani Beschreibung

Swabi Pakistani is a totally unique and rare, unhybridized pure landrace/heirloom strain from the Swabi region of Pakistan. These seeds were gifted to me by Irrazin of Indian Landrace Exchange and are being released October 30, 2020 for the Breeders Without Borders project. Proceeds will be donated to building the Nanda Devi Cannabis Library that will be developed into a Museum in the Himalayas! This is a very special project with amazing intentions.

The farmer who cultivated this pure variety for over 40 years was forced to stop cultivating due to legal issues and has gifted the seeds to Irrazin with the wishes that they be spread around the world so this valuable and unique strain will not become extinct forever. Irrazin has teamed up with Mass Medical Strains to make this project a reality, and together we will be able to share this beautiful unique gene pool with the world!

Irrazin started with “P1” parental seed stock and took it a further generation which is considered “F1”
MMS grew these F1 seeds. With the original intention of making regular “F2” seeds, mother nature blessed us with a full pack of females! So the only choice was to make feminized seeds. There were some seriously incredible plants in here, so I reversed my two favorite plants, and pollinated 5 incredible mothers with the mixed pollen of both reversed phenotypes, in order to maintain the genetic diversity in the line! There are so many special expressions to be found. These plants are surprisingly stable and stress resistant even in indoor cultivation, which is excellent for such a “wild” gene pool. I guarantee over 99% of American growers have never seen a strain like this! It’s totally unrelated to any of the modern hybrids.

In veg, these plants have a very unique stem rub of curry and spices, perfectly reminiscent of the region of the world they descend from! There are two main phenotypes which could be called “indica” or “sativa” phenos in structure, or short and squat (like a typical hybrid you may grow) and then a taller lanky pheno with thinner branches.

However both the indica and sativa structured plants in this gene pool have amazing uplifting energetic highs! Pure unhybridized strains often have a much cleaner and more distinct unique vibration. I describe these as a tropical vacation mindset. When you are on vacation you are excited and ready to explore, while being highly in tune with your surroundings and sensations. This is the exact effect I’ve gotten numerous times from the Swabi smoke. It is also very spiritually motivating, calm and centered, while giving you energy and motivation to explore both physical reality and your internal bliss. Most phenotypes induce extreme munchies, a bigger appetite than many hybrids even. Some are very fast-thought provoking and racy, motivating the body for action and movement, while not being as anxious as many modern sativa hybrids can be. Other phenotypes have extremely psychedelic body sensations such as nearly unbelievable spacial and texture perception distortions (for example limbs feeling like balloons)

We have also seen numbers high as 20% thc, and up to 13% cbd in some phenotypes!

Here are the available mothers to choose your seeds from, or you can collect them all! We have thoroughly tested each line, and they all have amazing plants. You will find a fair amount of structural variation in any of them (both tall and short phenotypes are possible), however you’ll notice they all have the same Swabi funk to them, a special woody nutty spice and also “landracey” sharp tones which are very unique and sativa-like in nature! These plants can yield very well with large colas and are easy to grow indoors and out! Does well with or without topping! The intensity of the terpenes in some phenos can rival any award winning modern hybrid, and you’ll find serious winners in any of these 5 lines.

Mom 1: This mom has the tall sativa structure. Incredible unique plant with a sour vinegar wet smelling terpene that I have never ever seen in cannabis before. It also has a sharp spray paint solvent/laquer and strong pine and wood terps in the back.
Mom 2: This was a super stacker (big yielder)  with sativa structure. Rubber spice and extreme cream terpenes! Very unique and delicious.
Mom 3: Super wild smell of rank body odor, onion, garlic, almost similar to the well-known strain “gmo” but also with the swabi funk and a very interesting sativa aroma of carrots and pet store rabbit-area…! Insane. The leaves in this pheno got a bit more curled round in the last weeks and has a distinct look.
Mom 4: Sour body odor and pumpkin aroma, on an indica frame. Super frosty and dense.
Mom 5: Indica structured plant with amazing loud burnt rubber, sweet spice and wood in the back. Really special as well, although hey all are!
Mix: This is a random mix of seeds off of multiple of the 5 mothers. We have also found pink haired phenos from the mixed pack!

Please make your own seeds and share clones if you like! These rare plants must be shared and cherished.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Swabi Pakistani Galerie

Hier siehst Du die neuesten, von unseren Benutzern hochgeladenen Swabi Pakistani Fotos. Insgesamt haben wir 2 Bilder von MassMedicalStrains' Swabi Pakistani gesammelt, check doch mal hier unsere Swabi Pakistani Galerie aus, um sie Dir alle anzusehen.

Swabi Pakistani Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Swabi Pakistani Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Deadly Swabi
Deadly Sativa Prayer Tower pheno x Swabi Pakistani
Old Smuggler
{The One BX1 x The One BX1} x Swabi Pakistani
Pak Man
Praying Mantis x Swabi Pakistani
Swabi Child
Swabi Pakistani pink haired pheno x Indigo Child Bx1
Swabi Dragon
Pan Dragon x Swabi Pakistani

Karte der Swabi Pakistani Nachfahren

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