Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie

Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie

gezüchtet von Purple City Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. PCGs Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

PCGs Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie Beschreibung

Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie is a Sativa/Indica hybrid from Purple City Genetics created by combining two high quality strains that have set trends in the international cannabis market.

Strawberry Banana genetics
Strawberry Banana is the result of crossing several strains from different families, taking a hybrid of Ghost Og x Skunk Haze and crossing it with a strawberry phenotype of Bubblegum, released as a collaboration between the seed banks Reserva Privadaand Serious Seeds.

Famous for its powerful flavours and aromas of sweet banana with red fruits, Strawberry Banana also has a potent psychedelic effect and high yields of up to 550g per m2.

Key Lime Pie genetics
Key Lime Pie phenotype is a selected from one of the most fashionable varieties of the moment, and one which has staked out its own territory in the international cannabis scene due to its intense lime flavour with floral notes and a euphoric effect with a relaxing touch.

A simple strain to grow, which adapts well to different types of cultivation, Key Lime Pie performs wellindoors or outdoors and also has a rapid flowering, finishing after about 60 days.

Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie
From the combination of these two high quality strain we can expect a mostly sativa plant with vigorous growth, readily adapting to the various training and pruning techniques and to different cultivation systems, whether soil, coco, hydroor others.

Its flowering period lasts 65 days, after which we can harvest dense, compact buds covered by a thick layer of resin that makes it an ideal plant for resin extractions, with high levels of terpenesthat provide an excellent sweet flavour which blends strawberries with lime. An elegant, fresh fruit cocktail with high levels of THC.

Purple City Genetics Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seeds
Genetics: Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie
Genotype: Sativa/Indica hybrid
Indoor flowering: 9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
Indoor yield: 450 to 550g per m2
Outdoor yield: over 600g per plant
THC: High

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Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie Stammbaum-Karte

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Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Strawberry Banana x Key Lime Pie x Sour Power OG

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