Old School Genetics
Strawberry Mist

Strawberry Mist

gezüchtet von Old School Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Strawberry Mist ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±83 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Old School Genetics' Strawberry Mist ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Old School Genetics' Strawberry Mist Beschreibung

Old School Genetics Strawberry Mist Strawberry Mist was awarded 1st prize in the Sativa category at the 2016 Spanish THC Valencia Cup. It is certainly a true champion for the enjoyment of fruity Sativa genetics lovers.

Strawberry Mist by Old School genetics
This variety was created by Oldman Green time before establishing the Old School Genetics seed bank. Strawberry Mist has always been one of Oldman Green's favourite varieties. The consumer trends have been changing over the last years but the great Sativas always have a special place in the growers' hearts.

Strawberry Mist is composed by 75/25 Sativa Indica genetics. It is a cross between an old Kali Mist female pre 2000 and the famous Tijuana clone reversed in order to create this feminised strain.

Strawberry Mist by Old School Genetics produces slender structured plants with long secondary branches with attached knots. It shows a typical Sativa plant growth, with a rapid development needing a strong base to build up the root system.

This structure makes Strawberry Mist a variety suitable for SCROG cultivation. Its vigour and several secondary branches rapidly fill the net. It is necessary to provide enough space for a correct development, as well as controlling the number of cultivated plants in relation to the available space.

It responds very well to all cultivation techniques, but still it is always advisable to cultivate it organically. Strawberry Mist is adapted to indoor cultivation and also offers excellent results outdoors when cultivated in sunny regions, where the harvest is ready at the end of October - beginning of November.

Strawberry Mist by Old School Genetics, fruity stimulation
Strawberry Mist by Old School Genetics delivers fruity organoleptic qualities, with a sweet base accompanied by intense strawberry flavours and subtle incense hints. Resin extraction fans have a great opportunity to enjoy these fragrances in Hash Ice-O-Lator, BHO or Rosin extracts. The aromas and flavours are always intense and can be enjoyed in a vaporiser or in the traditional way.

Strawberry Mist produces a very cerebral effect favouring the practice of creative activities. It is ideal to share with friends and spend a pleasant and amusing time, offering a progressive rise that in 30 minutes shows its elegant Sativa character.

Old School Genetics Strawberry Mist info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Kali Mist pre 2000 x Tijuana cut
75/25 Sativa Indica hybrid
Flowering time: 80-85 days
Outdoor harvest: End of October - beginning of November
Indoor yield: 500g per m2
Outdoor yield: 800g per plant
THC: High (22%)

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