Strawberry Haze Auto

Strawberry Haze Auto

gezüchtet von Kannabia Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Strawberry Haze Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±80 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Kannabias Strawberry Haze Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Kannabias Strawberry Haze Auto Beschreibung

Kannabia Seeds Strawberry Haze Auto Kannabia seedbank is pleased to present this genetic in auto-flowering format so that all growers can enjoy Kannabia varieties regardless of the growing conditions. The breeders have worked on its Strawberry Haze, a cannabis culture classic, bringing the automatic version so that all growers can experience and enjoy it.

Strawberry Haze Auto is a 70/30 Sativa Indica genetics, a vigorous plant that adapts to all types of cultivation both indoors and outdoors. It can grow quite tall, easily reaching up to 130cm indoors, while outdoors given enough space it can grow up to 160cm. It is certainly not the most discreet auto-flowering plant, but if that is not a problem, it is certainly one of the best growing experiences an auto-flowering plant can provide.

Strawberry Haze Auto has excellent resistance to various pests that can occur during cannabis cultivation, with a high resistance to mould. It has a complete cycle of about 80 days, offering very abundant yields both indoors and outdoors.

Strawberry Haze Auto, all the Haze pleasure with fruity flavours
Strawberry Haze Auto offers citric flavours typical of the Haze lineage with a fruity and very sweet background. The terpenes concentration is intense and the flavours linger in the mouth for a long while after consumption, whether smoked or using a vaporiser.

Strawberry Haze Auto offers a cannabinoid concentration with a THC level of up to 15%, with a pleasurable effect to enjoy a positive sensation with an energy boost that keeps you active.

Kannabia Seed Company Strawberry Haze Auto info:
Type: Auto-flowering cannabis seed
Genetics: Strawberry Haze x Ruderalis
Genotype: 70/30 Sativa Indica
Indoor flowering: 80 days
Outdoor harvest: 80 days
Indoor yield: Very high
Outdoor yield: Very high
THC: 15%
CBD: 〈0.5%

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Strawberry Haze Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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