Holy Smoke Seeds
Strawberry Diesel Dojo

Strawberry Diesel Dojo

gezüchtet von Holy Smoke Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Strawberry Diesel Dojo ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Holy Smoke Seeds' Strawberry Diesel Dojo ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Holy Smoke Seeds' Strawberry Diesel Dojo Beschreibung

Holy Smoke Seeds Strawberry Diesel Dojo Strawberry diesel and grape hash collide in a seductive dark pink and magenta Strawberry powerhouse. The Strawberry Diesel has spawned countless strains, it's our biggest seller by a long way but it's these new hybrids that are the crux of the amazing genetics that make HolySmokSeeds so very special. Huge long arms of strawberry and grape are guaranteed here, we went back to our F1 stock mother who imparts massive growth traits and brings exceptional strawberry resins. This combination is truly one of the most beautiful crafted strains we have ever produced with the diesel still shining through in taste which makes another brilliant combo of flavours grape strawberry and NYC diesel flavour smash up right here, pure headcandy. Most of the growth pattern is from the Strawberry whilst the dojo fills and fattens her up with super dense nuggs of some the tastiest herb on the planet.

The stone is stronger than either strain on their own, the dojo is strong but quiet sedative by itself, but pushed on top now by the strawberry diesel with the bottom end encompassed by beautifully strong and colorful dojo whose indica traits make for a large auditorium of stone. Beautifully balanced, pushed in the centre by the diesel and surrounded by the strawberry comfort. Huge long exceptionally dense dark beautiful strawberry diesel dojo arms, heavy yield..and stunning taste are a given here, these characteristics are exceptionally well balanced and aid in appetite. It’s a calm and gentle state of being but very medicinal, a very handy profile for those in need. All in all another beautiful new hybrid strain from HolySmokeSeeds of a our award winning Strawberry Diesel. It’s sure to be a winner, these seeds are going to go fast as another beast comes out of the HolySmokeSeeds stable.

Strawberry Diesel x Purple Doja
Flowering: 8 Weeks
Yield: High

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Strawberry Diesel Dojo Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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