Tramuntana Seeds
(Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch

(Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch

gezüchtet von Tramuntana Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

(Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) angebaut werden. Tramuntana Seeds' (Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Tramuntana Seeds' (Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch Beschreibung

On the other hand the Purple Punch grape flavour clone, a strain originally from the US that reinforces the genetics, the Indica structure and the flower density of the cross, adding also grape flavour nuances.

(Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch is a hybrid with a clear Indica tendency, with a compact, medium sized structure that quickly takes on a shrub-like shape.

In indoor cultivation it adapts to most growing methods such as Sea Of Green (SOG) and Screen Of Green (SCROG). Through management and pruning techniques, it can develop a large main cola or produce vigorous secondary ramification to increase yields. This high production is ready to harvest in about 56-63 days from change to flowering.

Outdoors it is also a good choice for an Indica hybrid, with the sunlight boosting the secondary branches and the production therein, as well as increasing the plant's height. It is still a short plant very suitable for discrete or multi-specimen grows. The harvest is ready in late September, consisting of a large amount of resin-covered flowers.

(Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch, broad terpenes profile with a balanced effect
This hybrid presents a broad terpenes profile, with Zkittles and forest fruits aromas on a fruity grape background. It is certainly a real treat for the taste buds.

It produces a hybrid effect that is not too crushing and does not provoke the euphoria of Sativas. It is a balanced effect with an exciting start that progresses to a very pleasant physical relaxation.

Tramuntana Seeds (Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: (Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch
Genotype: Indica Sativa
Indoor flowering: 56-63 days
Outdoor harvest: Late September
Indoor yield: High
Outdoor yield: High
THC: High

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(Stinky Dog x Zkittles) x Purple Punch Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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