Pure Instinto
Sticky Gorilla #4

Sticky Gorilla #4

gezüchtet von Pure Instinto

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Infos vom Züchter

Sticky Gorilla #4 ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±58 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Pure Instintos Sticky Gorilla #4 ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Pure Instintos Sticky Gorilla #4 Beschreibung

We present to you one of our crown’s jewels: the Sticky Gorilla #4.

From a cross between the strains Sour Dubb, Chocolate Diesel and Chem Sister, all of them of great potential, resulting in a strain of high sativa content and with a THC level that reaches 28%. Making its effects brutal, only suitable for those demanding consumers who seek to enjoy and, if it is among colleagues, make sure to live memorable moments.

Its name is not a coincidence and is due to the high level of resin that it generates that makes it worthy of the nickname "Sticky". If you try it, you will agree with us.

Organoleptic properties

Sticky Gorilla #4 stands out among other things for its powerful terpene profile which has citrus, spicy, and earthy aromas. The intense aroma of gas is very characteristic in some of the phenotypes. A variety able to fill the mouth with flavor and provide an incredible sensory experience.


Thanks to its enormous concentration of cannabinoids, the Sticky Gorilla #4 weed generates an intense energizing effect of euphoria and relaxation while it can leave you "sticked" to the couch for several hours. Perfect for parties or moments of laughter with friends. A perfect ally against daily stress, any pain or depression.

Growing traits

Sticky gorilla #4 seeds offers a high yielder, and it’s a plant of strong structure, with numerous branches and medium-high sizes.

During growth and until the third week of flowering it branches with energy. It produces thick and robust stems, but it is advisable to stake or net it to ensure maximum production. It is very important to prune and ensure that all flowers receive an adequate amount of light. Its flowers are covered with a brutal amount of thick and very aromatic resin as it reaches the optimum ripening point.

Easy to grow and with a flowering that is around 8/9 weeks, indoors is a perfect strain for SCROG crops due to its high branching, and its indoor production is around 450 grams/m2.

Outdoors, this plant grows great in any climate, although it is best given in those with hot temperate, where we can get between 650/850 gr per plant.

In wet areas it is recommended to exercise caution with fungi because of how compact their flowers are.

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Sticky Gorilla #4 Galerie

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Sticky Gorilla #4 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Sticky Gorilla #4 Stammbaum-Karte

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