Dominion Seed Company
Stash Plant

Stash Plant

gezüchtet von Dominion Seed Company

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Infos vom Züchter

Stash Plant ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Dominion Seed Companys Stash Plant ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Dominion Seed Companys Stash Plant Beschreibung

Dominion Seed Company Stash Plant Morphology- Plants have the tight noded quality of the Puck but more spread out and less leafy. Will veg into a nice xmas tree like shape and have strong vertical branching. Will double in size when flowering is induced. The 1:1 ratio can be 1.25:1 give or take depending on the pheno selection. They have a great calyx to leaf ratio and the flowers are thick heavy chunks but not overly dense. Very greasy resin that’s plentiful, a hash maker’s delight. Oil rags wrapped around a warm brick of ghani hash with a deep pine note. They are very stinky plants. You will see a typical 1:3:1 ratio in the phenotypes with the majority leaning towards the blend of the two in structure, however, the funk remains consistent across the variances in structure. Some tighter like the Puck and some a bit taller with more Eagle dominance.

How Does It Smoke- Very thick sweet hashy smoke with chem/burnt grapefruit undertones. Very narcotic buzz that will induce the hunger. Good for sleeping or some serious relaxing.

Growing Notes- We recommend a super cropped bush that’s shaped well during the veg cycle before flowering. We personally like a slightly dominant cola but works very well as a multi headed bush. Recommended defoliating inward facing fan leaves if shaping in bush form. Feeds should stay median with a good pk boost in week 4/5. Supplement mag in week 5/6. Peak potency and smell is with gland heads milky and as little amber as possible.

Pest Resistance- 8/10

Mold Resistance- 8/10

Mildew Resistance- 5/10

Stress Notes- Excess feeding to the point of burns and going beyond peak harvest window may produce a herm flower or two but not in every pheno. 80% did not herm even under those stressors.

Flower Cycle: 59-65 Days
Yield: Above Average

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Stash Plant Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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