Aficionado French Connection
Spanish Blue Elephant

Spanish Blue Elephant

gezüchtet von Aficionado French Connection

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Infos vom Züchter

Spanish Blue Elephant (Alias: Elefante Azul) ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±55 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Aficionado French Connections Spanish Blue Elephant ist THC dominant und ist/war auch als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Aficionado French Connections Spanish Blue Elephant Beschreibung

Aficionado French Connection Spanish Blue Elephant - * ( BlueBerry x Sour Diesel ) x 80's heirloom Afghan kush *
- Indica dominant hybrid
- exotic wood , incense , earthy, berry
- 8-Weeks
- September
- 700-800 Gr per m² / 〉 1000 Gr per plant
- THC: 25-28%

this amazing strain was created in north California
It all started from a patch flooded by an early heavy rain, with 40 cm of
water all the monster plant molded in 48hours except one plant which showed
no mold sign.

From this incredible observation we wanted to preserve the characteristics
coming from this phenotype but unfortunately the plants were ready for
harvest and impossible to do any viable clone to save the genetics.

Lucky we found 40 seeds on the total plant.

From the outdoor growth historic we deduce the pollen can come from only
one male used for pollinisation months befores. When we popped the f1 seeds
and went true to our breeding process until f4 Ours suspicions were
confirmed the plant was pollinated by our 80s heirloom Hindu kush coming
from the Afghan side of the mountains.

This plant is perfect for any old school indica lover looking for an very
high yield strain ready in only 50/55 days ( Also recommended for hash
extraction )

two main phenotypes:

green pheno :kush dominant :hash, incense, burn wood , earthy taste ( take
blue color in outdoor )
blue pheno: Sour Berry dominant : berry, grape and red fruit taste ( take
the blue color in indoor and outdoor )

The elite clone f1 were bring from California to north Catalonia where in
few years it directly encounters huge success in all commercial grow out
spacing all her concurrents in all category :
high yielding , heavy indica terps profile,very short bloom and incredible
pest and mold resistance

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Spanish Blue Elephant Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Spanish Blue Elephant Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Spanish Blue Elephant in unserer dynamischen Karte

Spanish Blue Elephant Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Ivory Breath
Spanish Blue Elephant x Purple Punch F4 x Jelly Breath Bx

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