Mamiko Seeds
Sour OG

Sour OG

gezüchtet von Mamiko Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Sour OG ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±70 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Mamiko Seeds' Sour OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Mamiko Seeds' Sour OG Beschreibung

Riri has been known for decades in the most exclusive cannabis circles. It is a wonderful timeless Sour Diesel selection, a cutting by Reservoir Seeds seedbank developed by the French breeder Riri. It is one of the strains that revolutionised the cannabis scene, bringing new terpenes at a time when Skunk, Haze and Widow flavours were predominant.

Sour Diesel Riri is a slender plant with a medium to long internode distance. It shows a good stretch when changing to the flowering photoperiod, offering a strong dark petrol aroma and a slight sour lime taste. Mamiko Seeds has used a Sour OG male (Sour Diesel Riri x HA OG Kush x Illusion OG) to pollinate Sour Diesel Riri cut, maintaining the aroma pattern by a backcrossing.
Sour OG, cannabis with diesel aromas and earthy background

Sour OG is a vigorous and slender plant. It produces dense buds with large bracts covered in thick resin that give off a strong petrol aroma on a dark, earthy background. Sour OG performs very well in all types of cultivation, and is a good choice using the SOG method indoors due to its growth pattern. This variety fully develops intensifying its organoleptic characteristics in hydro and coco growing.

Also in outdoor cultivation, it offers copious yields provided with sun and good space for the roots. It is recommended to be tutored because of the weight and size of the buds. It is ready to harvest in about 70 days depending on the phenotype, presenting a simple post-harvest as it is very easy to manicure due to the small amount of leaf in the flower colas.
Sour OG, very potent cannabis with high THC levels

It produces a powerful effect, where the novice should be careful. The parentals have THC concentrations in excess of 20%, with the Riri cutting exceeding a THC level of 30%. It is certainly not a great idea to enjoy its smoke early in the day, unless there is no chores to be done. It is very important before consuming Sour OG buds to make sure the fridge is full of food.

Sour OG is a cannabis strain composed of genetics with outstanding resin characteristics. A plant that offers high extractions and great yields where the aromas are maintained. It is undoubtedly ideal for lovers of concentrates, especially hashish and rosin.
Mamiko Seeds Sour OG info:

Type: Regular cannabis seeds
Genetics: Sour Diesel Riri x (Sour OG [Sour Diesel Riri x HA OG Kush] x Illusion OG)
Genotype: Indica Sativa
Indoor flowering: 10 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
Indoor yield: High - 500g per m2
Outdoor yield: High
THC: High (〉25%)

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