Skywalker OG

Skywalker OG

gezüchtet von Nirvana Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Skywalker OG ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Nirvanas Skywalker OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Nirvanas Skywalker OG Beschreibung

Nirvana Seeds Skywalker OG One of the most potent Kush hybrids to be found in all of the galaxy, this 21% THC knockout artist is easy to grow, a massive producer and will flower in just 8-9 weeks. A super loud, gassy, pine, citrus terpene profile will work your carbon filters overtime. Prepare for a journey into another realm and dimension, after lighting up a joint of Skywalker OG Feminized.

Genetics: Created by crossing Skywalker known for its sturdy, easy to grow nature and thick, classic indica bud structure, with the terpene rich OG Kush from the West Coast. Expect ultimate hybrid vigour with this indica dominant hybrid, perfect for commercial growers looking for large sized yields of pure dank. She is a tough strain that will deliver excellent results outdoors, with a high resistance to mould, making her perfect for growers who experience colder climates and shorter summers.

Strain Characteristics: Skywalker OG Feminized will grow with an indica appearance, meaning that she will stay low and bushy. A great choice for growers with limited space, who want an easy to grow hybrid. Once flowered she will remain medium height, with tightly packed internodal spacing and thick fan leaves.

She is a very productive strain producing yields of 500 - 600 g/m², and supporting her side branches is well recommended once blooming starts, due to her excessive weight.

THC levels will range between 18-21%, making her a strong strain that is best suited for smokers with a high tolerance and fans of couch locking Kush goodness. Be careful when drying her out, as her terpene profile is extremely dank and overwhelmingly pungent.

Experiencing this strain: The effects are powerful, long lasting and will keep your mind in another galaxy. After smoking a joint, your entire face will feel her physical grip, as it transcends into your legs. Highly recommended as a night nurse, and smoking in the day time can put you in a heavy slumber laid out on your couch. One of the strongest kush hybrids with a super moorish Kush flavour, that will have you licking your lips every toke of the joint. Her flavour profile can be described as spicy, herbal, piney, gassy and earth that will linger in your mouth like a kush mouthwash. Medical patients may find Skywalker OG Feminized useful for pain relief, muscle spasms, cramps, sleeping disorders, suppressed appetite and removing feelings of anxiety.

What makes this strain so great: It won’t take long before you feel like you are walking on the sky, with this belting Kush hybrid. Easy to grow, highly aromatic, very generous producer and powerful enough to send you to a galaxy far away.

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Skywalker OG Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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