Khalifa Genetics
Siberian Ruderalis Chebarkul

Siberian Ruderalis Chebarkul

gezüchtet von Khalifa Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Siberian Ruderalis Chebarkul ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis Sorte von und kann drinnen, draussen und im Gewächshaus - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±74 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Khalifa Genetics' Siberian Ruderalis Chebarkul ist eine CBD-Sorte ohne THC und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Khalifa Genetics' Siberian Ruderalis Chebarkul Beschreibung

Khalifa Genetics Siberian Ruderalis Chebarkul Hardy Ruderalis From The Southern Ural Region
This Siberian Ruderalis is a giant and vigorous autoflowering variety with good trichome production. The villagers near Lake Chebarkul have been using these semi-wild plants for making some incredibly flavorful, high CBD Charas.

This Siberian Ruderalis variety can thrive in some of the most inhospitable places on earth. It shows great vigor, hardiness and extreme flowering speed. Furthermore, the autoflowering gene allows these landrace plants to grow in places where most cannabis strains wouldn’t stand a chance.

This Cherbakul landrace strain is likely to be the result of a past hybridization between the landraces originating from nearby Kazakhstan and the local Ruderal variety. This would explain the pungent citrusy smell, high trichome production as well as the mild psychoactivity of most phenotypes.

Central Asia is likely to be the place were cannabis was domesticated for the very first time, over 14 000 years ago.

These seeds are the result of 3 generations of controlled open pollination. By decreasing the proportion of weak plants and hermaphrodites while preserving a high genetic diversity, we were able to adapt this strain to growing indoors.

XXL Autoflowering Strain
The plants automatically start flowering after only 2 to 3 weeks after germination. As the Siberian Ruderalis plants are flowering, they keep getting taller and taller until they reach 120 to 190 centimeters. That is why most indoor growers top them off a couple of times in order to keep their final height manageable. Towards the end of their flowering cycle, over 25% of the plants turn mauve/purple.

Our friend “Guardian of the Lost Terps”, a member of the “Russian Landrace Bureau” handpicked the seeds. The first generation) directly at source.

The Siberian Ruderalis comes from a place where the winter is extremely cold -21°C in January on average. Therefore, the seeds have a very thick, waterproof shell which allows them to only sprout in late spring when the winter is over. For that reason, cold treating or cracking/nicking the seeds is recommended. Soaking the seeds in water containing Aloe Vera gel and cracking them after the soak allows to achieve germination rates over 80%.

Note that each seed pack contains extra seeds so growers can practice the seed cracking method.

A Very Light Feeder
Not only are these plants vigorous but they need very little nutrients in order for them to thrive. Even less so than most landrace strains because they naturally grow in rocky soil. Therefore, these plants are extremely sensitive to nutrient burn and require a relatively poor soil to thrive. However, the plants can receive a mild nutrient solution in the second half of their life cycle.

The Siberian Ruderalis Landrace could be a precious asset to breeders looking to create hardy XXL autoflowering strains with a unique flavor.

Cannabinoid Analysis
THC: 0.1 to 1%
CBD: 4.5 to 9%

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Siberian Ruderalis Chebarkul Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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