Critical Mass Collective
Purple Dawg MASS

Purple Dawg MASS

gezüchtet von Critical Mass Collective

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Infos vom Züchter

Purple Dawg MASS ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±65 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Critical Mass Collectives Purple Dawg MASS ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Critical Mass Collectives Purple Dawg MASS Beschreibung

Critical Mass Collective Purple Dawg MASS The monster yielding, chemy cousin of our Purple Skunk Mass is here! Using our Monster Mass and the musky, sweet Lavender specimen that made up our original Skunk version of this strain, we swapped out the Afghan line and used the full-on-fuel and Kush flavour profile of a strapping Purple Chemdawg stud. The most common phenotypes are of Indica dominance with ultra vigouros growth in both veg and flower- kicking some serious ass outdoors! Multiple branches all as big as the main cola, produce on an XL commercial level just like all of our Monster Mass hybrids. A few complex flavor profiles can be acrid lemon pledge and marker pens, one sweet, Kushy and exotic wood and spice and the least common pheno always having fat squat leaves and reeking of a noxious, foul gas/decay odour but tasting like heavy diesel, Cassis, burnt caramel with sweet chr(64258)oral top notes...basically smells like shit but tastes like heaven. This "Dawg Shit" pheno tested highest in THC and has become the sought after version but all specimens exude undertones of sugary grape and Sour Diesel notes. The Lavender and Purple Chemdawg lines collide perfectly with the Monster Mass genetics to ensure beautifully saturated, dense neon green/aquamarine buds with subtle purple marbling , tipped with platinum white and deep orange hairs.

SMELL: chemical dipped grapes, pungent kush, sweet floral notes and rotten fruit with some examples smelling like concentrated amonia, vomit and fresh dog shit- sounds gross but thats the good stuff!

TASTE: Sweet chemy, lemon pledge...astringent with a floral woody balance but can be Musky, Earthy Kush and candied grape, peanut butter, subtle pine and spice with a sour gas edge taking the sweetness away and balancing the overall terp profile.

EFFECT: This ones a creeper...the onset is apparent but intensifies. Muscle relaxing, self-worth enhancing positive vibes with a high that inspires and relaxes, wearing off quicker than other Indica dominant strains but leaves you feeling hungry and wanting more!

BAG APPEAL: Deep red and orange hairs on medium density, sticky aquamarine/blue and neon green flowers often veined with purple and pale pinks . The flowers are trich-rich, greasy, mega stinky and ultimately loud as hell!

Genetics: Monster Mass x Lavender x Purple Chemdawg
Outdoor yield: Approx 700g/per plant
Indoor yield: Approx 650g/m2
Outdoor flowering period: End of September/ Early Oct
Indoor flowering period: Approx 65 days
THC: 25%

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Purple Dawg MASS Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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