Growers Choice
Pure Chocolope

Pure Chocolope

gezüchtet von Growers Choice

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Infos vom Züchter

Pure Chocolope ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±77 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Growers Choices Pure Chocolope ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Growers Choices Pure Chocolope Beschreibung

Growers Choice Pure Chocolope Pure Chocolope has lots of scent and flavour. The scent and flavour are not purely of chocolate, but fruitily sweet, with notes of grapefruit and chocolate. It is one of the sweetest strains I've ever tasted. Pure Chocolope gives you a dreamy high, calms you, gives you pleasant energy and makes you laugh. The ideal way to spice up a weekend! Beware if you are prone to hallucinations and suchlike; I occasionally hear stories about comical situations, even from experienced smokers. I also sometimes get a very dry mouth from Pure Chocolope, so it's a good idea to have a drink at hand. In the medicinal field it helps stimulate appetite and treat pain and anxiety.Pure Chocolope, a Sativa-dominant strain, is a cross between OG Chocolate Thai and Cannalope Haze. The original name was D-Line. Pure Chocolope is considered one of the most extraordinary medicinal cannabis strains for focus and attention. It is therefore not surprising that Chocolope has already won various Cups.Pure Chocolope is a perfect choice for the novice grower. With minimal effort you can still expect a heavy yield. Keep in mind the actual space you need to grow this beauty, because I know from experience that they become quite large. You should try to keep it a little under control as otherwise it can easily take over your entire garden. Pure Chocolope Sativa is one of the few strains that grow well indoors. Pure Chocolope does well outdoors and in any soil whatsoever. I often add some extra nutrients. It easily absorbs these, because it already tends to grow considerably by itself. The buds are huge, robust and pimply.

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Pure Chocolope Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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