Anesia Seeds
Pink Starburst

Pink Starburst

gezüchtet von Anesia Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Pink Starburst ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Anesia Seeds' Pink Starburst ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Anesia Seeds' Pink Starburst Beschreibung

Anesia Seeds Pink Starburst Pink Starburst is our newest premium strain with the unmistakable strength and uniqueness of Anesia Seeds. The cannabis strain offers you an intense, delicious treat that is reminiscent of Pink Starbust / Candy and an exceptionally strong and impressive high.

After several years of breeding work, we proudly present this feminized strain that will set new standards again. It originated from a 3-way intersection of an AJ Sour Diesel, an Underdog OG and DJ Short’s Blueberry. Our breeders aimed to develop a strain that has the highest possible THC content and at the same time a broad sweet terpene-profile and good yields. After several backcrosses and elaborate selection work, we have managed to create one of the strongest and most aromatic cannabis strains worldwide.

Pink Starburst has 2 phenotypes that are slightly different in growth and flowering time. The flowering time of the more stocky growing variation is about 55 days, while the higher-growing pheno needs 5-10 days longer. Pink Starburst achieves exceptionally high yields up to 600g per square meter with a 315W LEC (or 600W HPS) lamp.

Outdoors, it can be harvested at the beginning of October with yields up to 700 g per plant. Due to the large resin production and the tasteful terpene profile, this variety is ideal for the production of concentrates and extractions. During the flowering time, the glittering and shimmering layer of resin on the flowers becomes increasingly thicker, enveloping each bud and even the leaves of the plant.

When inhaled, Pink Starburst has a pronounced floral taste that reveals its fruity sweetness on exhalation. It has an energetic, euphoric and mood-enhancing high and calms and relaxes at the same time. The Sativa aspects of the variety are shown by providing the body with a real boost of energy. Interestingly, it combines the positive qualities of both Indica and Sativa. It makes you positive and calm, euphoric and at the same time mentally sharp. You’ll wish her high never ends.

Growing Pink Starburst
Pink Starburst is a perfect plant for SCROG methods, as it will produce big colas on well-trained side branches and continues growing more dense into the next time. This plant develops its complete aroma and offers you its great palet of terpens when grown organical.

Medical Use
It has reportedly helped medicinal marijuana patients with stress, depression, fatigue, spasm, nausea and chronic pain.

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Pink Starburst Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Pink Starburst Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Pink Starburst in unserer dynamischen Karte

Pink Starburst Hybriden & Kreuzungen

The Anomaly
Pink Starburst x Remington Rot F2

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