Piensa en Kali Mist

Piensa en Kali Mist

gezüchtet von PEV Seeds Bank

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Infos vom Züchter

Piensa en Kali Mist ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±74 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. PevGrows Piensa en Kali Mist ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

PevGrows Piensa en Kali Mist Beschreibung

PEV Seeds Bank Piensa en Kali Mist PEV Bank have the pleasure of introducing a new feminized variety called Piensa of Kali Mist, a totally sativa variety highly demanded by the female audience that tends to have a tendency for brain effects.

PEV Bank develops Piensa of Kali Mist, looking for a variety that is as sativa as possible and achieves a perfect combination after mixing genetics that several strains of sativa origin, achieving a variety that stands out for its buds loaded with whitish resin that envelops the leafs.

To get the plants of Piensa Kali Mist we have to wait a long flowering process of 10-11 weeks, but it is very worthwhile, since it will give us tall, slender and thin plants, with a huge amount of branches in the lower part of the plant, which makes the light of more dimension to the top, achieving a large and caked buds loaded with abundant whitish resin.

Piensa of Kali Mist can be cultivated at the consumer's choice, as it adapts very well to indoor and outdoor crops, being very important to always have a good lighting, either artificial or solar suitable to be able to get their zenith in their near three months of cultivation, but that compensates for its enormous quantity and quality in the production, that will be everyone's taste, especially when the drying and manicuring has been done and ready to use.

The senses will also be rewarded with Piensa of Kali Mist, as it has an intense and spicy aroma and flavor, with touches to wood, an amalgam of different and particular sensations that is highly appreciated by the most refined palates.

We are faced with a cannabis that just inhales it, envelops us with a soft and effective position very captivating, that will endow anyone who experiences it with a sensation of happiness and sensational energy, being very appreciated to use in case of suffering some pain in the body as it greatly mitigates the effects and in the case of women who are prone to these effects, will help with menstrual pain.

Do not wait to enjoy this stealthy strain that falls in love from the beginning.
More info

Technical specifications, Piensa en Kali Mist
Bank: PEV Bank
Type: Feminised
Genetics: Several dominant sativas
Phenotype: 100% sativa
Flowering period: 10-11 weeks
Flowering indoor: H.N Early November
Flowering outdoor: H.S Early May
Indoor production: 350-450 gr / m2
Outdoor production: 500-600 gr / plant
Height: 1.5-2m
THC: 15%
CBD: Unknown

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