Old School Genetics
Petrol Skunk

Petrol Skunk

gezüchtet von Old School Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Petrol Skunk ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±65 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Old School Genetics' Petrol Skunk ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Old School Genetics' Petrol Skunk Beschreibung

Old School Genetics Petrol Skunk Petrol Skunk by Old School Genetics, a variety from the Karma Genetics Breeding Collab series.

Old School Genetics and Karma Genetics seed bank are close friends. Their collaboration has resulted in Oldman Green obtaining this prized strain that has circled the globe.

Petrol Skunk: Critical Mass "BilboCut" x Road Dawg
Petrol Skunk is a recognised variety in the cannabis world and many growers have already enjoyed this cannabis delicacy.

In the mythical ICMAG Cup that took place in Barcelona, Old School Genetics was awarded 3rd prize in the Indica category for its Petrol Skunk variety, certainly a winning strain in all aspects.

In the Petrol Skunk it has been used the famous "Bilbo Cut" clone by Critical Mass, a winner of many cannabis cups which is never missing in many growers' pantries.

Petrol Skunk, 3rd Indica ICMAG Cup Barcelona 2019
It has also been used a Road Dawg male by Karma Genetics and selected by Oldman Green, a Stardawg x Biker Kush hybrid that provides this cross a very unique petrol aroma.

Petrol Skunk shows a slender development, producing dense, elongated foxtail flowers very similar to Critical Mass "Bilbo Cut". The male Road Dawg contributes to the plant's strength by producing harder branches that perfectly support the buds' weight.

It has a rapid development. It is ideal for outdoor cultivation thanks to its resistance to fungal infections. Flowering is fast, only about 65 days.

Petrol Skunk, gassy flavour and berry touches
It offers a high and pleasant powerful effect for a long while, with a very balanced cannabinoid level, with a high THC level and a CBD concentration of 3-4%.

This concentration produces a very balanced effect, ideal for people who are not looking for a strong brain effect but for a relaxing and pleasant body feeling.

These flavours and aromas distinguish them from other varieties, perfectly combining the fruity Afghan/Skunk component with fuel and gas nuances inherited from Road Dawg. Aromas and flavours that are experienced when smoked or inhaled in a cannabis vaporiser.

Old School Genetics Petrol Skunk info:
Type: Regular cannabis seed
Genetics: Critical Mass "BilboCut" x Road Dawg
60/40 Indica Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 65 days
Outdoor harvest: mid-October
Indoor yield: 600g per m2
Outdoor yield: 750g per plant
THC: 22%

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Petrol Skunk Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Petrol Skunk Stammbaum-Karte

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Petrol Skunk Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Petrol Skunk x Black Kandahar

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