Brothers In Farms
Peanut Butter Breath F3

Peanut Butter Breath F3

gezüchtet von Brothers In Farms

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Infos vom Züchter

Peanut Butter Breath F3 ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Brothers In Farms' Peanut Butter Breath F3 ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Brothers In Farms' Peanut Butter Breath F3 Beschreibung

Peanut Butter Breath F3 was my first breeding project. At first, I was planning to wait until after my move to breed it, but the plants

were so beautiful and grew so well that they convinced me to breed them then. I had originally grown this cultivar out while in

Colorado and was very impressed with the vigor it exhibited. After the first grow I knew I wanted to run it again since I had a good

number of seeds left. I ended up popping what I had left, culled all the mutants and slow vegging OGKB phenos. What I was left with

was a male and 2 females. I pollinated both females but as flower progressed, one female was a little shorter than the other and

was almost identical to the male - This is where I found out there could be something really good. The chosen mother received

pollen very well but was most impressive to me was that it didn't really seem like resin production and bud structure/density did

not suffer as a result of pollination. If there was a calyx or bract, not only did it have a healthy seed but it was also completely

covered in resin. After harvest, I sent out 10 test packs to testers to see what was in the F3's. Testing went very well and a majority

of seeds exhibited the same vigor I had also experienced, but also a deep purple fade that starts setting in around week 4-5 that I

did not experience in the female, although the father did have slight purplish pollen sacs.

Breeder Description and Cultivation Considerations:

Our growers tested out this strain in various mediums, pot sizes and nutrient regiments: (1) Fox Farms Ocean Forrest, Coco +

Perlite, HP Promix, No Till Soil (kelp, neem, crab, fish meals + compost, gypsum, malted barley powder and a mix of other things)

for mediums; (2) Mega Crop 1 part + Beastie Bloomz, Power SI + Fish Sh!t + Mammoth P + Recharge + Dynomyco + Great White

Myco, Mega Crop + Bud Explosion, Mega Crop 1 Part + Fish Sh!t + Bud Explosion + Silica, Aloe + Silica + Build a soil craft blend +

Kelp/Neem Teas + Q + Fermented Pumpkin with Coconut + Kelp/Fish Liquid Fertilizer from Neptunes Harvest for nutrient regimens;

(3) 2g fabric, 3g fabric and 2’x3’ garden bed for pot sizes. LST, topping and super cropping were all utilized as training methods.

Breeder: Gambino

Genetic Heritage: Do-Si-Dos x Mendo Breath (Thug Pug)

Seed Type: Regular Photoperiod

Indica / Sativa: Indica leaning hybrid

Cycle Time: 55-65 days

Height: Medium-Tall

Yield: Medium-High

Terpene Profile: Savory, nutty, salty, funky

Effect: Anxiety reducing, relaxing, calming body high, mind numbing. Great for sleep or just

winding down.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Peanut Butter Breath F3 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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