Humboldt Seed Org.
Passion Fruit Punch

Passion Fruit Punch

gezüchtet von Humboldt Seed Organisation

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Infos vom Züchter

Passion Fruit Punch ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±53 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Humboldt Seed Org.s Passion Fruit Punch ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Humboldt Seed Org.s Passion Fruit Punch Beschreibung

Humboldt Seed Organisation Passion Fruit Punch Passion Fruit Punch by Humboldt Nutrients, a fast flowering feminised marijuana with an excellent flavour and a pleasant effect with a powerful cerebral high and a relaxed ending.

It is a cross between two highly flavoured and powerful strains, the well-known Purple Punch and Geist Og, resulting in an ideal variety for those who love hybrid plants with Indica character.

Passion Fruit Punch growth
It is a plant with strong branches and a robust and compact structure with short internodes. An ideal variety for indoor cultivation in growing areas where there is not much height.

Passion Fruit Punch is an 85% Indica plant, adapting well to both indoor and outdoor cultivation, obtaining always excellent results. Cultivated outdoors it is recommended pruning in order to control a size that can exceed 4m in height in case of having a long growth period.

It responds well to all cultivation systems as well as the different cannabis substrates, either in soil for conventional cultivation or in the different hydroponic cultivation systems.

Passion Fruit Punch flowering
This genetic union between Purple Punch and Geist Og produces compact, egg-shaped buds completely covered by a thick resin layer, with a very attractive and photogenic appearance.

Its incredible resin layer offers an intense aroma with acidic fruit notes, tropical touches and fuel and black pepper nuances. A blend of aromas and flavours that will be enjoyed by growers looking for new terpenes profiles.

Passion Fruit cultivation
This variety does not need a large amount of nutrients, simply a balanced nutrition is sufficient to obtain a prime production with a high bud yield.

When cultivated outdoors and depending on the plant size, it is possible to obtain a yield of up to 1000-3000g per plant. In indoor cultivation we can obtain a yield of between 400-500g per m2.

It should be noted that in outdoor cultivation is an ideal variety for dry and arid climates where production is maximised. It is also advisable to use a double trellis for maximum production capacity.

A leaf pruning or defoliation on the plant's top is a great practice during the first flowering weeks after the stretching. In this way the light reaches the lower part buds increasing their size and compactness.

It produces the effect of a relaxing Indica hybrid strain with a Sativa high that offers a powerful cerebral action, typical of today's cannabis hybrids. It has THC levels between 16-19% and a low CBD concentration of 0.1% which makes the cerebral effect powerful.

Humboldt Seeds Passion Fruit Punch info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Purple Punch x Geist Og
Indica Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 7-8 weeks
Outdoors harvest: Early October
Indoor yield: 400-500g per m2
Outdoor yield: 1000-3000g per plant
THC: 16-19%

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