Grateful Seeds
Papaya Cooler

Papaya Cooler

gezüchtet von The Grateful Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Papaya Cooler ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Grateful Seeds' Papaya Cooler ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Grateful Seeds' Papaya Cooler Beschreibung

The Grateful Seeds Papaya Cooler Indeed, one of the most notable features of Papaya Cooler is its vigor, because although it remains medium-sized it grows quickly and without problems. Although Cali Kosher's Papaya clone has a strong Indica tendency, crossing it with a Sativa-dominant hybrid such as Fresca Melon achieves a medium structure with marked vigor.

Undoubtedly, another feature that characterizes the Papaya clone is the quality of its resin extractions, especially when working with fresh material, as well as its intense relaxing effect, highly appreciated by many medical marijuana users.

For its part, Fresca Melon comes from the arsenal of Dying Breed Seeds and is a hybrid between the famous Zkittlez and Watermelon Zkittlez , which provides a large amount of resin to the cross. It is a variety with an exquisite sweet and fruity flavor, only comparable to its energetic and pleasant effect.

Growing Papaya Cooler from The Grateful Seeds
As we have mentioned, Papaya Cooler grows vigorously to a medium height, with a prominent main stem among the rest of the branches. Although it gives excellent results both outdoors and in the greenhouse, due to its growth pattern it is ideal for indoor cultivation , being able to flower relatively quickly. Flowering indoors is quite fast, as it will be ready for harvest after 55-60 days, producing long colas of flowers with violet hues and a large number of glandular trichomes.

In the same way, and although the results in terms of flavor and aroma in coco coir and hydroponic systems are outstanding, it is with organic cultivation that we will most enjoy its organoleptic qualities, with marked notes of papaya and tropical fruits on a fresh and spicy background.

Characteristics of Papaya Cooler from The Grateful Seeds
Genetics: Papaya x Fresca Melon
Feminized marijuana seeds
Genotype: Indica/Sativa
Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks
Outdoor flowering: October
THC Content: High (25%)
Indoor production: High (500 gr/m2)
Outdoor production: High

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