ACE Seeds
Panama x Tikal

Panama x Tikal

gezüchtet von ACE Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Panama x Tikal ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±84 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. ACE Seeds' Panama x Tikal ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

ACE Seeds' Panama x Tikal Beschreibung

ACE Seeds Panama x Tikal A hybrid combining our elite parental plants of Panama and Tikal, without a doubt our two most worked and highest quality Central American sativa hybrids.

This hybrid produces unique and transgressive expressions in which very interesting extreme phenotypes can be found. It is therefore a variable hybrid, ideal to find new expressions, fruit of the genetic recombination of the extraordinary Central American sativa genotype that forms the union between these two varieties. From exotic, highly refined purple phenotypes with a greater Tikal influence, to extreme 'pink hair' phenotypes from Panama, passing through a range of intermediate combinations, as well as new, highly desirable recombinations not previously seen in these 2 varieties.

Despite its variability, all the expressions of this hybrid produce tamed and refined Central American sativa plants, well structured and aesthetically very beautiful, very well adapted to indoor cultivation, with a wide range of very complex and exotic terpene profiles, which produce large amounts of THC and CBG in moderate flowering times.

Intrepid pheno-hunters will enjoy each and every one of the unique expressions of this hybrid, until finding that memorable phenotype that meets certain special characteristics or with that perfect balance that satisfies the particular search criteria and palate of each grower or breeder.

Format Feminized
Sativa / Indica ratio 85 % sativa / 15 % indica

THC 18 %
CBD 0.1 %
CBG 1.4 %

Flowering indoors 11-13 weeks
Flowering outdoors End of October / Early November
Yield Average
Resistance against spider mites Average-High
Resistance against powder mildew High
Resistance against botrytis High
Resistance against white fly High
Resistance against cold High
Resistance against heat High
Latitude 0º-43º

Panama Goddess (F10) x Tikal (F5).

Medium size sativa, strong structure with good branching. Suitable for both indoors and outdoors.

Wide range of exotic terpenes. Aromas of mountain aromatic herbs and bittersweet lemon in the foreground, with a strawberry background (from wild strawberries to strawberry ice cream and “Funny Feet” type lollipops).

Variety of high quality Central American sativa effects, where the clean, friendly, cheerful and expansive effects of Tikal predominate.

Terpene profile
Monoterpenes: High terpinolene content, followed by moderate amounts of beta-myrcene and alpha-pinene, and smaller quantities of beta-pinene and limonene. Sesquiterpenes: Small amounts of beta-caryophyllene.

Growing Tips
Indoors it can be easily cultivated without having space problems and without the need of using very powerful lights.

Outdoors it can be grown up to latitude 43º, both in hot climates and in climates where the flowering takes place with rain and low temperatures, although it shows its full potential in terms of yield in climates of warm and sunny autumn.

We recommend moderate levels of nutrients for the whole cycle, a little bit higher in the first 2 thirds of flowering.

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Panama x Tikal Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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