GB Strains
Original Amnesia Fast

Original Amnesia Fast

gezüchtet von GB Strains

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Infos vom Züchter

Original Amnesia Fast ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±49 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. GB Strains' Original Amnesia Fast ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

GB Strains' Original Amnesia Fast Beschreibung

GB Strains Original Amnesia Fast Original Amnesia Fast is a great sativa dominant hybrid (70%), that belongs to an extensive and varied range of Bulk seeds that GB The Green Brand offers. This plant grows very quickly as the result of crossing the legendary Amnesia strain (Hy-Pro) with GB's autoflowering version of Amnesia, so it has the main productive and organoleptic qualities of one of the most widely cultivated marijuana plants in recent decades.

As a Fast version, this stran features a 100% photo dependency, as well as a rapid flowering, whose plants will be ready for harvest after around 7 weeks of changing the photoperiod to 12/12. Likewise its outdoor grow can be fast-forwarded 3-4 compared to its original strains, thanks to the slight autoflowering influence from its ancestors. Due to the selective process performed on this strain, it has been able to isolate the Ruderales gene, thus, the photoperiod character is not affected.

One of the main properties of this powerful strain is its high THC levels, up to 25%, which can be found in most of its phenotypes. Considered as one of the “queens” in cannabis history, Original Amnesia has won numerous prizes and awards due to its incredible and lush sativa effects, as well as its renowned citrus flavours, incensed aromas and low skunk background.

How to grow Original Amnesia Fast marijuana seeds
Learn to grow Original Amnesia Fast outdoors
Original Amnesia Fast in bulk is ready for harvest after 7 weeks of a floral period, enabling a high performance of around 600 gr/m2, if you plant around 9 to 12 specimens in 7 liter flower pots. Its buds present a compact and large appearance, characterized by a blissful trichome layer. To optimize the performance of this Fast strain, it is convenient to provide it with a short growth period, so that the plants don’t form too many lateral branches, intertwining in between them.

Learn to grow Original Amnesia Fast outdoors
Thanks to its fast flowering, outdoors this plant grows 3-4 weeks faster than its predecessors. For this reason and for the incredible properties of Original Amnesia Fast, you can harvest up to 750 gr/plant dry, ready to chop mid or late September in the north hemisphere and February/March in the southern hemisphere. In regards to the climates where it can be grown, it is important to note that it can be grown easily in cold and mountainous zones, in which there is high humidity and precipitation levels.

Because of the speed of its flowering, it anticipates the first rains in October, allowing it to be harvested plague-free, especially powdery mildew, mildew and botrytis. Likewise it is recommended to use a quality substrate, rich in worm hummus and perlite, such as BioBizz All Mix, providing an average EC level of 2.2-2.4 since the beginning.

Flavours and effects of Original Amnesia Fast
Flavour and aroma
It has more classic old school marijuana flavour and aroma. Incensed and earthy notes, resembling cedar and different spices. In some phenotypes you can detect citric hues, as well as fruited touches, forming a dense smoke that will please anyone who smells it.

In regards to its effects, Original Amnesia Fast bulk seed produces mostly cerebral sensations, creating an incredible euphoria sensation that will stimulate ingenuity, improvisation and the ability to develop creative tasks in a more enjoyable and entertaining way. Because of the energizing capacity, it will not exceedingly affect the physical status quo of the body, but it is totally recommended for experienced smokers.

Important Data Original Amnesia Fast
Sativa/Indica: 70/30%
Flowering: 7 weeks indoor and mid-late September outdoor.
Height: 0.7-1.1m indoor and 1.5-2.7m outdoor.

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Original Amnesia Fast Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Original Amnesia Fast Stammbaum-Karte

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