Old School Genetics
Old Red Sour

Old Red Sour

gezüchtet von Old School Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Old Red Sour ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Old School Genetics' Old Red Sour ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Old School Genetics' Old Red Sour Beschreibung

Old School Genetics Old Red Sour Old Red Sour by Old School Genetics seed bank is a variety from the Old School Never Dies series. The breeder Oldman Green has developed here a very particular breeding work.

Oldman Green has successfully combined very distant aromatic nuances, such as an intense fuel flavour with an earthy Sour Diesel IBL aftertaste and a particular forest fruit and citric hints of two distinguished landraces. These landrace varieties, very much loved in Spain, are Jamaican Blueberry by Cannabiogen and Red Khyber by Alex La Mano Negra (R.I.P), a legendary cannabis breeder in Spain.

Old Red Sour, a strain with old school genes
Old Red Sour is a super hybrid between Sour Diesel IBL x Jamaican Blueberry x Afghan Red Khyber. Oldman Green has used Sour Diesel IBL's famous clone "Riri cut" and a Jamaican Blueberry x Red Khyber male, a very special hybrid of his own creation. This male contributes with a better ramification and a more moderate stretching than the female Sour Diesel IBL.

It is a plant with a fast development that maintains the rigidity throughout its entire life cycle. This strain inherits a ramified structure from the Jamaican Blueberry x Red Khybe male, which acts as a fairly Indica plant, and results in a well-developed leafy branches with many internodes.

Old Red Sour offers a high production of dense and sticky flowers, with a yield of up to 500g per m2 indoors and a yield of up to 750g per plant outdoors. A variety that even its high Sativa genetics produces compact and tight flowers.

Old Red Sour produces an incredible gassy flavour with sweet lime and blueberry nuances. These aromas and flavours are accompanied by a psychedelic effect that is undoubtedly noticed by its Sativa dominance. The Jamaican genetics combines perfectly with Sour Diesel obtaining an energetic and long lasting effect, with a high THC level of up to 25%.

It offers incomparable aromas and flavours thanks to the special touch provided by this particular male with such special parentals and difficult to find nowadays.

Old Red Sour 2018 ICMAG Cup winner
Old Red Sour was awarded 1st Prize Sativa Category in the 2018 ICMAG Cup Barcelona.

A champion variety in this prestigious Cup which was held in Barcelona for the first time, surprising all the judges with such a particular flavour and effect.

It was highly commented by the ICMAG forum's good friends, with the highest score of the whole championship. At the same time, it was the best scored marijuana among all the varieties presented to the competition.

Old School Genetics Old Red Sour info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Sour Diesel IBL x Jamaican Blueberry x Afghan Red Khyber
70/30 Sativa Indica hybrid
Indoor flowering: 9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: Mid-October
Indoor yield: 500 g per m2
Outdoor yield: >750g per plant
THC: 25%

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