French Touch
Nuttea Haze

Nuttea Haze

gezüchtet von French Touch Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Nuttea Haze ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±74 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. French Touchs Nuttea Haze ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

French Touchs Nuttea Haze Beschreibung

French Touch Seeds Nuttea Haze Nuttea Haze from the seed bank French Touch Seeds is a feminised, photo-dependent Sativa-dominant cannabis plant created from one of the most popular selections of Amnesia Haze, the Core Cut, famous for its high potency and intensely delicious Lemon Haze aroma. The other parent of this hybrid is Champ'Haze.

With this variety, the team at French Touch wanted to pay tribute to Nutttea, whose opinions were crucial to the development of this variety, being a huge fan of the famous Core Cut.

Nuttea Haze develops vigorously, typical of plants in the Haze family. It is ideal for growing using SCROG technique due to its long secondary branches which, in flowering, ensure it is a highly productive variety.

It can also be grown in Sea Of Green (SOG) by controlling its final height and pruning the lower parts to concentrate the production of the central head and obtain a generous yield.

Nuttea Haze, large, compact, resinous buds
For a Haze-dominant plant, Nuttea Haze has a relatively short flowering period, not needing more than 10 weeks of 12/12 to reach maturity. Indoors, its production can reach 600g per m2, while outside it will form large bushes that can produce over 1000g per plant and which will reach a considerable height if they are not pruned during the growth period.

It is an easy plant to cultivate, one that adapts well to different growing media and has good resistance to the elements. It is advisable to control its height, as its stretch at the onset of bloom is rather pronounced.

Its organoleptic characteristics are oriented towards the Core Cut, with a lemony taste accompanied by notes of incense.

Its effect is powerful and long-lasting, with an active and psychedelic high that is not recommended for consumers who are unused to powerful strains, as it can have a THC level of 20 to 22%.

This is a great option for lovers of powerful Old School hash, as well as resin extractions in general, be it Rosin, BHO or alcohol extraction, etc.

French Touch Seeds Nuttea Haze info:
Name: Nuttea Haze
Genetics: Amnesia Core Cut X Champ'Haze
Type: Feminized seeds
Genotype: 75% sativa - 25% indica
Flowering indoors: 10-11 weeks
Harvest outdoors: End of October
THC content: 20 to 22%
Indoor yield: 600g/m2
Outdoor yield: up to and over 1000g per plant

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