Seeds of Africa


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Infos vom Züchter

Mozambica ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±91 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Seeds of Africas Mozambica ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Seeds of Africas Mozambica Beschreibung

Seeds of Africa Mozambica Harvested in the outskirts of forested areas not too far from the coast, these plants grow in a tropical climate with two seasons, a wet season from October till March, when cyclones are common, and a dry season from April till September. This means the plants are very adaptable and cope with extremes superbly. Mozambique is home to elephants, hippos, crocodiles, hyenas, lions, the rare black rhino and also the spitting cobra but in the forests that this strain grows we predominantly find vast and varied species of insects and birds.

There are three main tribes living in the area, the Makhuwa who are mainly farmers, traders and fishermen, The Makonde tribe who are renowned for their wood carving and elaborate masks and the Tsonga people whose traditions feature story telling and passing on community legends. It is in some of these legends that the Mozambica plant features with extraordinary tales of colossal specimens so powerful in effect that they can evoke spirits just by being amongst them. The Tsonga tribe scar their face as an act of physical beauty but they say that they originally undertook this practice as a deterrent to Arab slave traders, the same ones believed responsible for bringing the strain from Asia in the early 12002s. It is certainly true that this strain produces large and very resinous buds which sometimes appear turquoise in colour due to the hint of blue that runs through them, even their leaves are covered with a pungent blue shimmer. They are often found grouped in small clusters and smell strongly of tropical fruit and spice which carries through on the flavour -the effect is a trance-inducing, soaring, Sativa high. Its flowers became known as “nbanje” or “soruma” and Mozambican tribal healers have been known to use the strain in a tea-like infusion to reach a state of “spirit possession”, allowing them to communicate with spirits thought responsible for causing illness and poor harvests. They consume the cured buds by smoking them inof everyday life as well as these ritual/spiritual ceremonies.

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Mozambica Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Mozambica Stammbaum-Karte

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