Sannies Seeds
Motherlode Kush

Motherlode Kush

gezüchtet von Sannie's Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Motherlode Kush ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Sannies Seeds' Motherlode Kush ist THC dominant und ist/war auch als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Sannies Seeds' Motherlode Kush Beschreibung

Sannie's Seeds Motherlode Kush This hybrid has been developed to lean towards the Indica dominant side, which means that there are predominantly indica type plants with an average flowering time of 8-9 weeks. The Motherlode kush provides easy-to-grow plants that quickly fill your space. This is the advantage of a hybrid plant and optimally used in this crossing. Very potent strain with diesel, Herijuana and kush influences.

If you're a fan of extremely strong stoned with a good dose of high then this is the kind where you're looking. Due to the parents that were used in this species, different old school types come up with smell, taste and effect. If you want a strong growing plant but still indica dominant buds then the motherlode-kush is the strain for you!

The Madkush (Madscientist X pre98 bubba kush) mother we have used in this excels in beautiful bud structure and Christmas tree type compact growth. Heavy weighing and especially strong smelling buds with an overtone of kush and herijuana, the herijuana influence comes from the Madscientist (herijuana X white widow).

The pollinating mother is the selected Motherlode clone which is described in detail in the accompanying product page. Briefly described, this mother is a combination of diesel and fruit with a slightly more exuberant growth as the Madkush. The combination of these two provides various plant types ranging from strong Indica to Indica with a touch of hybrid, the same goes for the smell and taste and effect.

Seeds are developed by Knutsel and Sannie.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Motherlode Kush Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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