Spliff Seeds
Mega Power Plant

Mega Power Plant

gezüchtet von Spliff Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Mega Power Plant ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Spliff Seeds' Mega Power Plant ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Spliff Seeds' Mega Power Plant Beschreibung

Spliff Seeds Mega Power Plant Northern Lights was first bred in Seattle, Washington and she was based on a Californian strain. Afghani Indica, Hindu Kush and a Thai were used to form Northern Light. She is an almost pure Indica race (90%) of Afghani heritage and contains a high CBD and THC level. We then crossed this amazing Northern Light with a massive budding OG Kush to create our Northern Lights Special. Over 16 generations we stabilized the NL Special resulting in very homogenous plants, neigh on identical. Even when cloned. And she’s virtually stressproof. Then with a little side experiment we, accidentally, came across this beast of a lady we now call the Mega Power Plant. We nicknamed her the Mega. With our NL Special as a mother and a highly resinous Power Plant as a father, we believe we have created the ultimate indica dominant indoor strain.

The result is a compact plant with long, candleshaped buds which look like they suffer from frostbite and will make you sing: "I am dreaming of a white Christmas". The buds are finely structured and rockhard covered in finely grained resin. She has those characteristical wide-fingered Indica leaves and a darkgreen color. Stalks can be super red, which is absolutely common for this strain and definitely not a nutrient problem. Pregrow for only 2 to 3 weeks and you will end with a plant of medium stature; between 80 cm and a 1 metre. With very few leaves, this plant has a perfect flower to leaf ratio and is easy to manicure. She is quite resistant to diseases and parasites. The Mega preflowers quickly. She is a very forgiving plant when it comes to; heat problems, fertilizing problems and insufficient water.

We have used our Northern Light Special to create many a new variety, because of her stability, yield and impressive resin production. By crossing Northern Light Special with a Power Plant we have created an ideal strain for the beginner. The aroma is not too overpowering, so perfect to grow discretely. Of all our strains our Northern Lights special has recorded the highest THC percentage and with her Mega offspring it is no different, so expect high levels of THC.

The aroma shows through her typical Kush origins; earthy sweet with a hint of Nepalese temple balls. She smells of wonderful Nepalese black Hasj with a touch of sweet Kush. Northern Lights Special has a superb licorice flavor with a slight diesel undertone. She is a narcotic stoner and gives you an all-over stoned sensation. Couchlock stoned. Thanks to her high THC level she is the perfect painkiller.

Medicinal value: chronic pain, muscle spasms, stress, back pain, muscular pain and loss of apetite.

Genetics: 90% Indica.
Genotype: (NL x OG Kush) x Power Plant
Growing difficulty: medium

Flowering: 8-9 weeks
Plant height indoor: 0.80-1.00m
Yield: 500-575 gr/m2

Outdoor (Zone B/C - not by the coast)
Harvesting time: October
Plant height: 1.80m
Yield: 400 gr/plant

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Mega Power Plant Sortensteckbriefe

Wir haben Rezensionen / Steckbriefe von einem Gärtner zu Mega Power Plant gesammelt.

Gesamteindruck Indoor

Blütezeit Indoor
100 - 100 Tage (±100 Tage)
Ernte-Menge Indoor
Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist sehr hoch
Gesamteindruck Indoor
Mega Power Plant ist alles in allem extrem gut und wirklich empfehlenswert
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist sehr stark und wirkt langanhaltend
User Bewertung
Mega Power Plant kommt im Durchschnitt auf 8.67 von 10 möglichen Punkten!

Bekannte Phänotypen:

» Neu » bisher keine (homogen??)

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Mega Power Plant Rau(s)ch-Bericht

Unsere Besucher haben Mega Power Plant verkostet und ihre Eindrücke bezüglich Wirkung von Spliff Seeds' Mega Power Plant hochgeladen. Hier eine kurze Übersicht - und klicke auch auf die Kreisdiagramme, um eine genaue Beschreibung zu erhalten und ähnliche Cannabissorten zu finden!

Effekt / Wirkung

~2% Erhebend / Uplifting ~20% Leichtsinnig ~22% zum Nachdenken anregend ~28% Meditativ ~4% Aphrodisierend ~2% Spacig / Verwirrend ~8% Psychedelisch ~6% Narkotisch ~4% Schwindelig ~5% Tatkräftig ~85% Geistig ~15% Körperlich

Mega Power Plant wirkt zuerst sehr stark Geistig (durchaus Meditativ und zum Nachdenken anregend; ein wenig Leichtsinnig und auch ein Hauch von Psychedelisch und Aphrodisierend) aber wirkt auch ein bisschen Körperlich (durchaus Narkotisch und Tatkräftig). more

Mega Power Plant Galerie

Hier siehst Du die neuesten, von unseren Benutzern hochgeladenen Mega Power Plant Fotos. Insgesamt haben wir 2 Bilder von Spliff Seeds' Mega Power Plant gesammelt, check doch mal hier unsere Mega Power Plant Galerie aus, um sie Dir alle anzusehen.

Mega Power Plant Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Mega Power Plant Stammbaum-Karte

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Kommentare zu Mega Power Plant

Alles in Allem haben wir 2 Benutzerkommentare über Spliff Seeds' Mega Power Plant zusammengetragen. Leider ist bisher kein einziger Kommentar auf Deutsch verfasst worden, deswegen zeigen wir dir hier ersteinmal die Englischen Kommentare:

- 19.04.2019

great plant, big yields, great smell if you cure it, near perfect plant, easy to grow..

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- 10.05.2014

Kommentar ist mit Mega Power Plant Steckbrief verknüpft!

mega power plant is an excellent strain.

good for beginners.its a big yielder and its strong against rot or mildew.

the plant doesnt have mutch side branches but they make one big head bud instead

the weed has a verry strong effect,instand mindbang and a verry long lasting dreamy and narcotic high what follows.

the flavor taste sweet and the smell is herbal.

when the plants are in the tent they dont smell mutch but when they dry they smell allot.

it was a pleasure growing this super the future i will grow them again becous the weed is yummie

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