Joint Doctor
Lowryder #2

Lowryder #2 (Joint Doctor) :: Sorten-Steckbrief :: Indoor :: Kleiner, kompakter, schnell blühender, indica-lastiger Phänotyp

Steckbrief für Lowryder #2 (von Joint Doctor)

Dieser Steckbrief wurde aus 2 Einzel-Profilen generiert, unser Dank geht im einzelnen an: BonScott und TurdFerguson

Informationen zum Wachstum der Pflanzen:

Blütezeit Indoor
Zwischen 47 und 52 Tagen (im Schnitt 49 Tage)
nicht sehr viele; kurz bis durchschnittlich lang sowie von etwas unterdurchschnittlicher Stärke.
Die Pflanzen dieser Sorte...
...können eng zusammen gestellt werden.
...benötigen nicht viel Pflege.
...benötigen nicht viel Dünger.
...sind tolerant bei größeren Temperaturschwankungen.
...mögen keine niedrigen Temperaturen.
...wachsen eher wie eine Indica.
...sind gut geeignet für sehr niedrige Grow-Räume.
...sind gut geeignet für einen SoG (See of Green).
...sind eine gute Wahl für Anfänger.
...sollten nicht zu stark beschnitten werden.
...reagieren nicht gut auf das Beschneiden des Haupttriebes.
...sind nicht anfällig für Pilzkrankheiten.
...sind nicht anfällig für Schimmel.
...sind gut geeignet für einen ScroG (Screen of Green).
...eignen sich gut für Supercropping.

Ernte, Ertrag, Geschmack, Geruch, Stärke und Wirkungsweise

Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist etwas unterdurchschnittlich.
Das Verhältnis von Blüten zu Blättern ist nicht zu beanstanden.
Die getrockneten Buds sind ziemlich hart und fest.
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist stark und wirkt anhaltend.
Toleranz beim Rauchen
extrem langsame Toleranzbildung.


Der Geschmack dieser Sorte ist/erinnert an


Lowryder #2 (Joint Doctor)
(Indoor; Kleiner, kompakter, schnell blühender, indica-lastiger Phänotyp)

ist alles in allem extrem gut und wirklich empfehlenswert
(Im Schnitt 9 Punkte auf einer Skala zwischen 0 und 10 !)

Weitere Informationen

BonScott meint

it is best for small spaces. you probably will yield between an 1/8th and a 1/4 ounce. it all depends on your light. bigger light, bigger plant. great for beginners. no fertilizer needed. (09.01.2014 um 18:00 Uhr)

TurdFerguson meint

Report for LowRyder 2 as of September 20, 2014

By Mr Turd Ferguson

Most indoor growers cannot afford large wattage lights such as 600 or 1000. They cannot afford the electricity. They also do not have large enough spaces to accommodate the heat of Metal Halide & High Pressure Sodium lamps. They do not own the property they are living in and therefore can't be cutting new ventilation systems into the walls and ceiling.

So, for most of us, we use CFL. They don't penetrate as deeply as MH & HPS but they get the job done (and better than LED, too). They run about 75% cooler than MH & HPS and they cost significantly less money to operate.

For all growers who are working with LESS than 400 watts of ANY kind of light, the best auto plant on the market is LowRyder 2. You can harvest her at 6 weeks if you need to. In fact, letting her mature for longer doesn't really make too much of a difference in potency. And she IS potent. I have grown loads of other supposedly high THC autos and even after giving them 10 - 12 weeks to grow they still don't get me as high as LowRyder 2. I usually harvest her at 8 weeks, but as I said, even at 6 or 7 weeks she still kicks ass.

You'll have your best results if you DON'T adjust the height of your lights AT ANY TIME. She grows best compact. You DON'T want her to stretch. Stretching will not give you more bud; it will only give you bald patches between the buds along the stem(s).

As for nutes: Some nitrogen based fertilizers for common garden flowers during the first 4 weeks: 1.25 millilitres per litre every other time you water them. At about the 5th week stop giving them nitrogen fertz. Start giving them Canna PK 13/14 once a week. Again, about 1.25 ml per litre.

LowRyder 2 does not grow very well outdoors in Northern Europe. It's too often cloudy or overcast. She doesn't get enough consistent & direct sunlight to grow beautiful dense buds.

LowRyder 2 is an ideal indoor plant. Completely stable & predictable. She doesn't mind being grown right next to others. If left to her own devices she will grow anywhere from 4 inches tall to about 10 inches tall and she will be one fat solid bud from bottom to top. She is not sensitive to unexpected fluctuations in her lighting schedule. I do my best to give her 18/6 but even when I give her more or less, it doesn't matter. I have never had an LR2 hermie.

She does NOT like pruning---certainly not her main stem---but she will tolerate the removal of her lowest branches (also known as sucker branches).

She does NOT stink whilst growing but she can be a bit stinky whilst drying after harvest. Her buds are very sticky to the touch---even at 6 weeks old from breaking the soil.

Her taste is pleasant but not exotic. Not bad at all.

LowRyder 2 is a good, strong, reliable, easy-to-grow marijuana plant that will definitely get you stoned. It is the perfect staple plant to have growing in a perpetual cycle of starting new ones every few weeks.

Most autos on the market were made with LowRyder 1 or LowRyder 2.

LowRyder 1 is no longer for sale from its inventor The Joint Doctor. But that’s okay because LowRyder 2 gets you higher and the buds are denser.

You should buy at least a few regular LR2s so you can gain a male and make seeds. Let the male pollinate the female at her early stages of flowering (flick the male plant so his pollen falls out and blows over the female). Do this once a day for a week and then remove the male. Don't harvest the "seed plant" until the seeds are dark brown and bursting out of their casings. And remember: DON'T plant the seeds until after 6 months. They are naturally expecting winter conditions for at least 4 months but it's best to play it safe and wait 6 months otherwise they won't germinate and will instead rot in the soil. I learned the hard way and wasted a bunch of beautiful dark brown fat seeds with tiger stripes because I planted them only about a month or two after harvesting them. You can't fail with the 6 month rule.

LowRyder 2 is the best for those who have less than 400 watts and only about 3 or 4 square feet to grow in. THANK GOODNESS FOR LOWRYDER AND THE JOINT DOCTOR!!! (20.09.2014 um 16:28 Uhr)

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Einzelne Steckbriefe zu dieser Sorte wurden verfasst von: BonScott und TurdFerguson.

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