Khalifa Genetics
Limon Blanco V3

Limon Blanco V3

gezüchtet von Khalifa Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Limon Blanco V3 ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Khalifa Genetics' Limon Blanco V3 ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Khalifa Genetics' Limon Blanco V3 Beschreibung

Khalifa Genetics Limon Blanco V3 Limon Blanco V3

Cross: Terra White IBL X Afghan Lemon IBL (True F1)
Genetic: 80% Indica / 20% Sativa
Outdoor cultivation: Hot to temperate climates
Yield: Medium to high
Flowering Time: 9 to 10 weeks
Aromas: Lemon, Lemon confit, Lemon grass, Lime, Kush
Effect: Soothing Indica high, fast acting, and deeply relaxing

Limon Blanco V3, The Ultimate Lemon Delight

The Limon Blanco V3 is a True F1 hybrid producing incredibly lemony aromas. Resulting from a cross between an American Hybrid and a pure Landrace strain from northern Afghanistan. Both parents are citrusy with the Terra White producing sweet lemon kushy terpenes and the Afghan Lemon reeking of zingy lemon and lime. This New School/Old School cross is the perfect combination between a potent and frosty modern hybrid and a pungent ancestral hash plant.
The Terra White, developed by the famous TerraGrow shop, has won countless Spanish cups in the extraction category. On the other hand, the Afghan Lemon comes from a cultivar that has been used for making exceptional hashish for thousands of years. The Limon Blanco V3 is therefore a dream come true for most extraction lovers.

Easy To Grow and Colorful

Thanks to its Afghanica ancestry, the Limon Blanco V3 is robust and produces extremely sturdy branches. For that reason, the plants never need support and can withstand high winds. As soon as the first trichomes appear, a fresh and acidic lemon smell is already noticeable. As the plants mature, the smell becomes very pungent but sweeter with delicious notes of Kush and hash.
Towards the end of the flowering cycle, the sugar leaves and part of the flowers take on a sublime dark purple color. Relatively cold night temperatures in the last few weeks will help almost all the plants reveal their stunning colors. Touching these ripe buds leaves a lingering lemony/hashy smell on your fingers. Provided the humidity remains low at the end of its flowering cycle, the V3 will reward even the most inexperienced growers with beautiful dark lemon-scented flowers.

Why “V3”?

The Limon Blanco is the result of a collaboration with TerraGrow. The Khalifa team spent many years stabilizing several exceptional lemony strains such as the UK Cheese and the Afghan Lemon. Likewise, Ruben from TerraGrow spent over 2 years stabilizing the famous Terra White. After testing different outcrosses, the V3 turned out to be the most lemony of all.

Published by @daterpstranslator

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