Landrace Team


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Infos vom Züchter

Lebanese ist eine unknown Sorte von und kann drinnen, draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Landrace Teams Lebanese ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Landrace Teams Lebanese Beschreibung

The Landrace Team Lebanese Genetics: Pure Lebanese Landrace (used for resin production)
Origin: Personally collected in Beqaa Valley (2018 harvest)
Purpose: Hashish (sieved)
Latitude: 34° N
Harvest: From August until September
Height: 0.5 – 1.5 metres
Aroma: Incense, light citrus, cedar, pine, apple, light lemon, earthy
Characteristics: Early finisher, columnar and spherical phenotypes, resinous, not too tall
Grow Type: Outdoors, greenhouse, indoors

Lebanese landrace sourced in 2019 from autumn/winter 2018 harvest in various villages growing these beautiful plants with great breeding potential. This accession originates from various villagesin the Beqaa region, especially htose from the North. Plants are grown starting from 1700 metres and above. The Landrace Team has collected from these moutainous villages various accessions from families that have been growing thes eplants from grandfathers to grandsons. They have only grown this plant for as long as they can remember and it is know that plants from higher altitudes are the finest examples for Lebanese hash production.

The plant, particularly in this region, has an ancient tradition and is well known for its great quality and as a great breeding tool as it is considered an early finisher, locally harvested from August to September.

The distinctive features and aromas of these plants are incense, earth, lemon., apple, cedar and pine.
Lebanese landraces are very compact and mature early. It is also possible to find red and purple colours along with green and blonde when havest time approaches.

There are two different structures easily distinguishable: the short classic hash plants measuring around half metre mainly grown for industrial hash production that have a columnar shape with few side branches and a long main stem and penotypes that have more side branches, more bushy and with an almost spherical shape, thicker.

The Landrace Team has two different accessions. One of which obtained from a renowned place for Red Lebanese hash and the other where green and blonde phenotypes are grown. We were also given a special selection of red and purple plants spotted in the fields but numbers ar elow therefore we have decided to keep them as souvenirs and possibly grow them to see what comes out. The local farmers used the word “mutation” meaning that these plants were the only ones displaying red and purple colouration in a field of green and blonde plants.

Note: The Lebanese, being a landrace, you can find both expressions. Leaning more towards the indica side and also those leaning more towards the sativa effects.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Lebanese Galerie

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Lebanese Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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