Khalifa Genetics
Kerala Chellakutti

Kerala Chellakutti

gezüchtet von Khalifa Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Kerala Chellakutti ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann draussen und im Gewächshaus (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±150 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) angebaut werden. Khalifa Genetics' Kerala Chellakutti ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Khalifa Genetics' Kerala Chellakutti Beschreibung

Khalifa Genetics Kerala Chellakutti The Kerala Chellakutti is a classic pure South Indian Sativa with a spicy/hazy taste and extremely energetic effects. This rare strains comes from a remote mountainous area near the Tamil Nadu border.

Unlike many Kerala Cultivars, the Kerala Chellakutti does not have a fruity smell. The Aromas are reminiscent of a delicious blend of spice and pepper with an underlying Hazy flavor.

The effect is long lasting but totally devoid of body stone or tiredness at the end. It is a potent strain but with positive cheerful effects as this Sativa is uplifting and social.

Kerala is the wettest state of India. Therefore, the Kerala Chellakutti can withstand heavy rains and is highly mold resistant. Nonetheless, the internodal spacing is relatively short compared to most tropical Sativas.

The vigorous Chellakutti will thrive in a wet and warm environment such as a greenhouse. Despite the fact that its very long flowering time and tremendous flowering stretch make it a challenge to grow indoors, experienced indoor growers can also achieve great results.

Because we have carefully culled out all the mutated plants, hermaphrodites and weak specimens while performing a controlled open pollination indoors, growers can expect a high sexual stability as well as very few undesirable phenotypes.

The optimal light cycle indoors is 11 hours of light for 13 hours of darkness. That way, the plants can flower a bit faster and also express themselves fully.

The smell is very discrete at first as the Kerala Chellakutti only starts producing trichomes late into its flowering cycle. Around the 13th to 16th week of flowering. Then, this tropical lady starts revealing its beauty.
Endangered Cultivars

Although the state of Kerala is famous for being home to some of the most potent Indian Landraces, most of the local landraces are in danger of extinction.

In kerala, these long flowering varieties are gradually being replaced by quicker flowering strains. On top of that, the habitat loss due to urbanization as well as the harsh eradication campaigns have caused this cultivar to be on the brink of extinction.

Our friend from the Collector’s Collective (Coco Genes) acquired the seeds directly from local Kerala farmers wanting to help preserve this endangered cultivar.

Even though this crazy psychedelic Sativa can be challenging to tame, the growers with enough patience and skills will be rewarded by a burst of energy and a memorable cerebral high!

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Kerala Chellakutti Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Kerala Chellakutti Stammbaum-Karte

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