Jack Herer Automatic

Jack Herer Automatic

gezüchtet von Zambeza

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Infos vom Züchter

Jack Herer Automatic (Alias: Jack the Ripper) ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±77 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Zambezas Jack Herer Automatic ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Zambezas Jack Herer Automatic Beschreibung

Zambeza Jack Herer Automatic Jack Herer Auto is the autoflowering version of the famous Jack Herer, with the genetics of Ruderalis, Sativa and Indica. The Jack Herer Auto combines the superb Sativa high with the enormous resin production of an Indica. It's buds are so full of trichomes, it almost looks as if they were sugar coated.

If you ask a grower what he expects from a plant, the answer is probably - "All". So why chose the Jack Herer Auto? Like many other autoflowering strains, the Jack Herer Auto needs a few more days to finish, but the reward is outstanding! Jack Herer is the most awarded cannabis strain known today - and for good reasons. While it's THC and CBD levels are average, it's not the quantity that makes Jack Herer such a success. The combination of sativa high and indica resinproduction make Jack Herer Auto a top choice for the connoisseur of fine weed.

Powered by the genetics of sativa (20%), ruderails (30%) and indica (50%), Jack Herer Auto grows up to an average height of 40-90cm and rewards the grower with 30-80gr of the finest weed imaginable. In full flowering, the buds are covered with trichomes and are totally smothered with "dew". The layer of resin makes them look as if they are coated with sugar. Because of it's complex background, Jack Herer Auto
plants show distinctive enhanced characteristics of both families, sativa and indica. This special feauture allows breeders to pick motherplants with different genetical combinations for making clones.

Jack Herer Auto is perfect for beginners because it is an easily maintainable plant and suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing and takes about 90 days from seed to flowering. The smoke of the Jack Herer Auto is extremely effective and kicks in (almost instantly) with a strong body buzz that might make one think it's an earthquake hitting - but with your head up high in the clouds you won't care, but rather enjoy the flight. You must feel it to believe it!

While the original Jack Herer may seem unbeatable when it comes to strength and power of medicinal cannabis, is Jack Herer Auto all that - and enhanced! Everything you love about Jack Herer is now available as autoflowering feminized seeds.

Yield: Large
THC: Average
Height: 40-90 cm
Genetics: Ruderalis x Jack Herer
Flowering time: 10-12 weeks
Effect: Stoned
CBD: Average

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