GB Strains
Ice Cream Cake

Ice Cream Cake

gezüchtet von GB Strains

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Infos vom Züchter

Ice Cream Cake ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. GB Strains' Ice Cream Cake ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

GB Strains' Ice Cream Cake Beschreibung

GB Strains Ice Cream Cake Ice Cream Cake arrives at GB Strains catalogue of feminized seeds with the absolute intention of charming sweet tooth smokers. This Wedding Cake x Gelato 33 hybrid is 75% indica dominant with THC percentages that could reach up to 28%, therefore, its overwhelming psychoactive effects are sedative and narcotic.

Regarding this GB Strains’ lineage, it is worth mentioning that Wedding Cake (Girl Scout Cookies x Cherry Pie by Jungle Boys) is one of the most requested strains among American dispensaries and European cannabis clubs. On the other hand, Gelato 33 (Seed Junky) offers amazing yield and organoleptic potential. It was granted first place in the 420 Growers Cup 2019 and second place in the Spannabis Cannabis Champions Cup 2019.

How to Grow Ice Cream Cake Marijuana Seeds
Learn to grow Ice Cream Cake indoors
When grown indoors, Ice Cream Cake examples’ exhibit a moderate size and resemble a Christmas tree, with dark green and intense purple shades. Its buds are big and heavy, surrounded by small, wide and curly leaves. The overall appearance is a beautiful plant coated with a delicious and sticky layer of trichomes. With proper basic care, 9 plants per square meter in 11 L pots can yield around 450 g/m2, as long as they are provided with 3 or 4 growth weeks and at least 8 weeks of flowering, although certain phenotypes might require an extra week.

Learn to grow Ice Cream Cake outdoors
Outdoors, this hybrid needs at least 6 hours a day of direct sunlight in order to maximize its organoleptic and yield properties. It is also very important to learn to recognize the exact harvest moment. In this case, pistils’ orange coloring shouldn’t be taken as reference, as trichomes shades give much more reliable information. This can be done with a magnifying glass or a Lumagny Professional 60x 80x 100x Microscope. With proper care, Ice Cream Cake can yield around 700 g/ per plant once dry, and it will be ready for trimming by mid-end of September.

Ice Cream Cake Flavors and Effects
Flavor and aroma
This GB Strains hybrid emanates earthy flavors and aromas with moss and underwood touches that intermingle with pronounced fruity and citrus tinges. Its Kush influence adds a Skunk background, similar to spices and sandalwood. Apart from the sweetness present in most of its phenotypes, some acid and spicy shades combined with a creamy touch can also be flavored.

Ice Cream Cake features a high psychoactive capacity due to its impressive THC levels. Its relaxing and calming effects take over the situation and are perfect for both recreational and medicinal consumers. This strain could help alleviate stress episodes, stimulate appetite and regulate circadian rhythms, and it can also be a solution to smokers that need to distract from their day-to-day tasks.

Ice Cream Cake important data:
Sativa/Indica: 25/75%
Flowering: 9-10 weeks and mid-end September outdoors
Height: 0.7-1.1 m indoors, 1.3-1.8 outdoors

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Ice Cream Cake Galerie

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