J2G Genetics
Holy Ape Shit

Holy Ape Shit

gezüchtet von J2G Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Holy Ape Shit ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. J2G Genetics' Holy Ape Shit ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

J2G Genetics' Holy Ape Shit Beschreibung

J2G Genetics Holy Ape Shit Holy Ape Shit is a strain created by J2G Genetics in 2019. This combination is a strain I made in 2014 called Mendo Ape OG hit with pollen from a very vigorous and colorful Jezus Juice male I hunted from a Empire Breeding Co. pack. This is one of my favorite projects. Mendo Ape OG was one of my favorite weed smells of all time but the yield was a little on the lower side. After crossing it with the vigorous Jezus Juice male it has raised the yield and the growth rate. It still grows super short and wide, loves to be topped but will have a hard time keeping up with taller plants in your garden. The real payoff is in flower. The colors this strain throws are amazing. I had never seen pink buds in person before this strain. Pink hues and purples making the trichomes really pop. Amazing looking but but it also smells amazing. My personal favorite pheno is shorter with purple and pink buds but mostly green leaves. It smells just like smarties and was such amazing smoke I kept the plant for future use.

Harvest time: Can be harvested usually around 60 days depending on how you like your trichomes.

Stretch: short, almost none

Yield: Medium/high

Flavors: Smarties, Sour Candy, Berries, light to heavy gas depending on pheno

Genetics: Mendo Ape OG x Jezus Juice

Potential Effects: Extremely heavy smoke, not for a lightweight thats for sure. I have fallen asleep many times smoking this when I did not intend to fall asleep. Literally sleeper weed. Looks pretty and cute, smells great and then knocks you on your ass. Great for people who just are sick of not getting that "heavy" stone. Can be good for anxiety as long as heavy strains don't make you get too far inside your head. Great for sleeping and relaxing.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

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