ACE Seeds


gezüchtet von ACE Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

HashPlant ist eine indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±49 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. ACE Seeds' HashPlant ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

ACE Seeds' HashPlant Beschreibung

ACE Seeds HashPlant A pure indica heirloom received by our team in clone form. Hashplant is an excellent quality cultivar with the classic characteristics of Afghan hash plants. The selfing (S1) of this cut results in a stable and vigorous offspring, faithful to the original Hashplant mother: robust and columnar plants, fat stems, beautiful large and wide Afghan leaves and a medium/long internodal distance for an indica.

The flowering period lasts just 7 weeks, producing dense and resinous flowers that give off a rich earthy, hashy aroma, with the highly pleasant and relaxing psychoactivity of a classic Afghan.

This Afghan variety (which precedes the new wave of US Kush varieties), has already proven its quality and worth in the development of excellent Afghan hybrids such as Bubba Hash or Early Bubba Hash, so it will be of great interest to growers and breeders in search of pure, vigorous, stable and high quality Afghans.

Format Feminized
Sativa / Indica ratio 100 % indica

THC 10-15 %
CBD Up to 0.2 %
CBG Up to 1 %

Flowering indoors 7 weeks
Flowering outdoors End of September
Yield Average
Resistance against spider mites Average-High
Resistance against powder mildew Average
Resistance against botrytis Average
Resistance against white fly Average-High
Resistance against cold High
Resistance against heat Average-High
Latitude 0º-45º

Genetics Self-pollination (S1) of an heirloom Afghan indica mother.

Structure Robust and columnar plants, fat stems, beautifully large and wide Afghan leaves and a medium/long internodal distance for an indica.

Bouquet Organic, earthy and classic afghan hashish, with touches of conifer.

High Pleasurable and warm effect (both mentally and physically) of moderate potency and duration, which pauses the flow of thoughts and relaxes the body, without being overly intoxicating or heavy.

Terpene profile It has not yet been analyzed.

Growing Tips It can be easily grown indoors. Highly recommended for SOG culture due its mainly columnar growth.

Outdoors it can be grown up to latitude 45º, both in hot climates and in cold climates, although dry climates are recommended during its flowering due to its Afghan genetic heritage.

We recommend high levels of nutrients for the whole cycle.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

HashPlant Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

HashPlant Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Blue Ace Hash
{Pakistani Chitral Kush x HashPlant} x Blueberry IBL
Star Hash Plant
Sensi Star x HashPlant

Karte der HashPlant Nachfahren

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