Gushers x Strawnana

Gushers x Strawnana

gezüchtet von Purple City Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Gushers x Strawnana ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. PCGs Gushers x Strawnana ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

PCGs Gushers x Strawnana Beschreibung

Gushers x Strawnana growth

Gushers x Strawnana shows a vigorous development like its ancestors. It is a plant perfectly adapted to both indoor and outdoor cultivation. In indoor growing under artificial lights it is recommended pruning techniques such as topping, a continuous canopy pruning to produce a large number of lateral branches with even growth acquiring a shrub structure ideal for SCROG. It is also feasible to use the SOG technique using many seeds or cuttings, but taking into account that it is a vigorous plant and can stretch a lot. This characteristic is inherited from its multiple ancestors that show a vigorous response after the photoperiod change.

This variety is well adapted to all cultivation methods either in soil as in coconut, arlita or in NFT crops. It is remarkable the use of hydroponic systems where it enhances its vigour and offers a higher production.

Gushers x Strawnana flowering
Gushers x Strawnana has a flowering period of about 9-10 weeks, producing a large number of compact flowers that increase in size until 5-6 weeks of flowering. At this time, its nutritional needs are higher and it requires a higher nutrient concentration in a balanced way. This input helps to produce large compact buds covered with a generous resin layer.

At the end of the flowering stage, the buds exude a great organoleptic load. It is highly recommended the use of anti-odours systems such as carbon filters or alternative systems like neutralizer. Intense aromas mixed with a creamy strawberry and cream shake and orange with gas.

It offers an effect that combines a powerful body relaxation with an active and dynamic mind. It should be noted that if consumed in high doses, mental relaxation increases considerably since its ancestors Og Kush and bubblegum by Strawnana, Gelato 41 and Triangle Kush are strains of strong Indica character.

We cannot facilitate right now the THC levels, but it is certainly a powerful feminised marijuana plant.

Purple City Genetics Gushers x Strawnana info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Gushers x Strawnana
Indica / Sativa hybrid
Flowering time: 9- 10 weeks
Outdoor harvest: Beginning of October
Indoor yield: 400-550g per m2
Outdoor yield: >700g per plant
THC: High

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