Omuerta Genetix
Gunner’s Gift

Gunner’s Gift

gezüchtet von Omuerta Genetix

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Infos vom Züchter

Gunner’s Gift ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Omuerta Genetix' Gunner’s Gift ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Omuerta Genetix' Gunner’s Gift Beschreibung

Omuerta Genetix Gunner’s Gift Cherry Pie Kush F3 x Rootbeer Float BX Cherry Pie Kush F3

Sativa Dominant

THC: 20% CBD: 3%

Flower Cycle: 63 days

Yield: High

Gunners Gift has been a project close to my heart and in development for about 3 years in total before finally releasing as a stable and true production backcross. We took the famed ‘Highschool Sweetheart’, a cross of Cherry Pie & Gratefulbreath, to a third generation inbred cultivar following our strict probiotic and eugenic principle’s and crossed it to a CBD variety.

Root Beer Float is a cultivar with a very high Hemp DNA lineage of 46%. Though I was impressed with the yields on the strain, when dried and cured the product did have a strong Root beer flavor and smell but lacked bag appeal keeping its more Hemp look and size. At the time I was playing with a lot of smaller yielding Og’s and hybrid’s and the yield was impressive on the RBF so finding a way to incorporate it was something I wanted to attempt.

Crossing it with the HSSHF3 pollen while working on the F4 version, We sent it out as a free tester under the working name ‘Angel Duster’ to all our client’s in the summer of 2o19 as well as grew out the tester’s in-house. This go around the product was substantially better with better flavor, scent and bag appeal. The Angel Duster keeps some characteristics of the RBF as the Hemp percentage is still 23%. This bulked up the yields while the stable inbred HSSHF3 side brought in the taste and looks of a higher tier product. When testing came back for the Angel Duster it was shocking at 18% THC and a whopping 6% CBD.

To further this experiment in epistasis, Omuerta took a large sift of the Angel duster Master seeds and hunted down the plants most resembling the HSSH strain on the female side. We then hit them with the exact batch of HSSHF3 pollen from deepfreeze. This is a true backcross right down to the Sire parent plant.
Now We could have stopped there with a true backcross and have the work shown itself but that just isn’t Omuerta’s style. Back into the garden to tinker, we again followed the same protocol as the Angel Duster and raised a large spread of seeds looking for something special. Three separate possible keeper phenotypes and a massive late flowering male that almost fooled us and made its way into the big room were found. I personally selected plants from 1 of the phenos that looked of highest potential for my own room and hit them with the male to stabilize them into an F2.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Gunner’s Gift Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Gunner’s Gift Stammbaum-Karte

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Gunner’s Gift Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Gunner’s Gift x Twinkle Toes F1

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