Dutch Flowers
Green Napalm

Green Napalm

gezüchtet von Dutch Flowers

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Infos vom Züchter

Green Napalm ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Dutch Flowers' Green Napalm ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Dutch Flowers' Green Napalm Beschreibung

Nepalese Temple hash is widely recognized by discriminating smokers everywhere for its unique qualities, and we have always wanted to obtain seeds to the underlying strain for use in breeding. Luckily, Nepal is not an altogether unusual tourist destination, and one visitor mailed home two sets of Nepalese cannabis seeds corresponding to distinct geographical regions. The seeds corresponding to the high-altitude Nepalese Mountain regions produced plants that immediately stood out for its manageable phenotype, early flowering and response under artificial lights, ultimately proving to be most valuable for breeding given the exotic quality of its high and distinctive taste.
The best Nepalese Mountain sativas were combined with a Mighty Candy and then selectively inbred to improve stem strength, reduce internodal distance and sativa stretch, and contribute to flower density. Inbreeding Green Napalm for several generations has proven successful to stabilize several desirable traits, most notably a short 8 weeks flowering period and top notch bud quality. Flowers are bright lime green with orange pistils and very few leaves, but it is their crystal coverage and intriguing aroma that sets them apart.

Trichome production is remarkable, flowers and part of leaves are uniformly covered with sparkling crystals. Pondering at this resinous blanket immediately reminds that Nepalese landraces have been selected for centuries to make legendary Temple Ball charas, a pot snob’s equivalent to the very best French champagne. Incidentally, the best champagne in world is thought to be Louis Roderer’s Crystal, a name that seems to validate our analogy. Flowers have high calyx-to-leaf ratio, which is unfortunate because Temple Ball hashmaking should be mandatory for all Green Napalm growers.

Aroma is intriguing and complex, and testers refer to flowery, spice and fruit notes to describe it. Inbreeding has not affected the wide spectrum of aromas found in Nepalese seedlings, making it exciting to ascertain each individual’s unique makeup. Most seedlings fall into three basic terpene signatures, all carrying a fruit & spice combination: strawberries / sage, pineapple / rosemary, and peach / mint. All three are uniquely tasty and sweet, with a disturbing rotten meat smell lurking in the background, but this note is only perceived by the sharpest noses. GN makes a good stealth plant, as it has very low odour when growing.

High is perceived immediately, but will creep and get stronger during the next half hour, taking the smoker progressively higher up trough several stages to a very clear final destination. A drug testing program volunteer described this final state as one of “intense lucidity,” strong, cerebral and very creative. No trace of couch lock at any point of the experience, this is a flower for the thinking, active man. Very visual, clear and inspired, it makes a good choice for musicians and anybody looking to enhance leisure and social activities, although it is too deep for daytime. A strictly recreational strain of no medical value: no body-numbing or pain-relieving effects; not an appetite inducer.

Lineage: Nepalese Mountain Sativa and Mighty Candy

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