Apothecary Genetics
Grape Mac

Grape Mac

gezüchtet von Apothecary Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Grape Mac ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Apothecary Genetics' Grape Mac ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Apothecary Genetics' Grape Mac Beschreibung

Apothecary Genetics Grape Mac Apothecary Genetics Grape Mac, a Hand Chosen Selection, is a regular cannabis variety with a great international reputation. This plant offers incredible peculiarities, it is powerful, tasty and extra-resinous, also offers a new terpenes profile bouquet out of the ordinary.

Grape Mac has a vigorous and compact development. It is a plant easy to cultivate both indoors and outdoors. It adapts well to SCROG and SOG methods and to the various cultivation systems such as hydroponic, coconut, aero or soil.

MAC1 Mircle Alien Cookies, flavours from another world
grape Mac offers its best characteristics during the flowering stage, producing large and compact buds. The buds have an exceptional rocky appearance, shiny by the large resin amount as battered in sugar. They are ready to harvest after about 65 days of flowering.

MAC1 produces an effect that combines Indica and Sativa worlds. It delivers an active, euphoric, cheerful, motivating and creative effect followed by a body relaxation. It is a good option to reduce pain, stress, anxiety, lack of appetite, etc.

It provides flavours and aromas with a powerful organoleptic profile, a dense orange base with floral touches and a sweet and earthy background. A real pleasure for our taste buds.

Apothecary Genetics Grape Mac info:
Indica / Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
Indoor yield: 500-600g per m2
Outdoor yield: >600g per plant
THC: High

Apothecary Genetics: Not the creator of Mac-1 Got it in a cutting form and crossed it with a grape ape/ OG male I’m going to change the name to grape Mac I don’t want to take credit for something I didn’t do and I don’t want people to think I’m doing something wrong sorry if I created any problems to the industry blessings @capulator

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Grape Mac Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Grape Mac Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Grape Mac in unserer dynamischen Karte

Grape Mac Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Runtz x Grape Mac
Grape Mac V2
Grape Mac x Mac V2

Karte der Grape Mac Nachfahren

Wenn du an einem grossen Bildschirm sitzt und nicht am Handy, schau dir auch unsere dynamische Karte mit allen bekannten Grape Mac Kreuzungen und Nachfahren an! (aber es kann eventuell ein bisschen dauern bis alle Daten geladen und verarbeitet wurden!)

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