Philosopher Seeds
Gorilla Glue Auto

Gorilla Glue Auto

gezüchtet von Philosopher Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Gorilla Glue Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±80 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Philosopher Seeds' Gorilla Glue Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Philosopher Seeds' Gorilla Glue Auto Beschreibung

It is the encounter between the acclaimed Gorilla Glue #4 and Skunk XXL 4th generation, a very stable strain that brings the automatic gene and a very good structure. The result is a plant that keeps intact the main qualities of the famous Gorilla cutting that has brought so many pleasant experiences to its growers.

Gorilla Glue Auto Cannabis Strain
Gorilla Glue Auto has a vigorous growth that adopts a fir-shaped structure where a main tip protrudes above the secondary branches at mid-height, providing an extra amount of compact, high quality buds during flowering.

It is a suitable plant both indoors and outdoors. Indoors it is advisable to grow it at least in 11L pots, although 18L pots are ideal for an optimal plant development, reaching a height of up to 100cm under an 18/6h photoperiod. They can also be cultivated under a 12h photoperiod although growth and flowering are reduced when the light exposure hours are reduced.

In outdoor cultivation the plants develop very easily and vigorously. It requires a balanced fertiliser without exceeding with nitrogen when entering the flowering stage. During the flowering period needs a good amount of nutrients so that the plant offers its full potential and produces a large amount of buds.

Gorilla Glue Auto flowering
Gorilla Glue Auto has an indoor yield of up to 500g per m2 of compact and very resinous buds that emanate aromas and flavours of chocolate with petrol and lemon. Certainly a bouquet that is strongly reminiscent of GG#4, the original US cuttings.

Outdoors the plants show a production in relation to the growing conditions, with a good pot size and proper sun exposure it is possible to yield around 60-120g per plant of compact and very resinous buds with a powerful aroma.

Aromas and flavours are notable for largely retaining those of the original elite clone, earthy with sour, pine and lemon notes.

Its high resin production in the compact buds, quickly earns the trust of growers looking for quality strains easy to grow with an excellent final result.

Philosopher Seeds Gorilla Glue Auto info:
Type: Auto-flowering cannabis seed
Genetics: Gorilla Glue#4 x Skunk XXL Auto 4th Generation
Genotype: Indica Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: 8-9 weeks
Indoor yield: High (500g per m2)
Outdoor yield: 60-120g per plant
THC: High

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