Annunaki Genetics
Good Heavens

Good Heavens

gezüchtet von Annunaki Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Good Heavens ist eine unknown Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen angebaut werden. Annunaki Genetics' Good Heavens ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Annunaki Genetics' Good Heavens Beschreibung

Annunaki Genetics Good Heavens I had wanted Spirit in the Sky from the moment I saw the spectacular photos that Exotic Genetix put out. I hadn’t quite seen a cannabis plant like her before with the Trichomes on top of trichomes, covering dark purple, almost black leaves that had what looked like a metallic-sheen to them. You’d think the photos were over-edited, but I can confidently say that they weren’t. Needless to say, I had to have this plant and I knew it would come around eventually, like the best ones always do. After trying two different Spirit in the Sky cuts that were not the ones I was looking for, I met a guy who became a good friend of mine, TwoDef425, and he gave me THE Spirit in the Sky cut I had lusted over all this time. I fell in love with it immediately… before it even went into flower. Still today, Spirit in the Sky remains one of the top 3 most resinous plants in our stable of 50+… It may even be #1. Considering the amount of trichomes it cakes on Spirit has a healthy yield that nobody’s going to complain about, plus it gets dark purple, nearly black leaves during the coldest temps and the fan leaves really do have a metallic look to them, almost like they change colors in different light. As if all that wasn’t special enough… she is 100% resistant to powdery mildew. She will not get it even if every plant around is highly infected and touching her with the oscillating fans blowing on high, etc. It’s a rare trait to find in such a special plant indeed. Some Good Heavens plants may show mold resistance (although we didn’t intentionally get powdery mildew to test it). Sometimes we feel as though Spirit in the Sky has not gotten the recognition she deserves over the years and so we never miss an opportunity to add her chromosomes to anothers, just like we have here.
White IX, the pollen-donor parent of this cross, was bred by Cannarado many years ago. We found this phenotype from seed 4 or 5 years ago ourselves and she’s been a garden stand-out ever since. The fact that we chose her for our very first feminized seed release says a lot! During our very first run though we weren’t quite sure about her because she seemed to grow kinda slow during the vegetative cycle and in flower too, but during weeks 6 through 9 she really put on quite the performance, more than compensating for the shortcomings we thought she might’ve had! Our bad. We were quick to judge and she showed us just how quick she can stack fat buds on those stocky branches of hers. The flowers continued to swell until they toppled over, paying no mind to the support stakes that were tied to them. The leaves generally remain dark green and canoe-upwards because of the resin-rails that encrust the edges of the leaves. The flowers are dense, heavy, and smothered in trichomes. And what about the aroma? She has a loud, deep, dank, pine-skunk, acetone nose… the one that so many folks are fond of. these days. The thing that is so special about her though is that unlike many OGs or Cookie varietals that grow tall and lanky, this lady keeps to herself, staying on the shorter, more compact side throughout her life, which we love. Her many highly desirable traits really shine through in this feminized cross, and others.

I don’t know how many more ways I can talk about ‘resin’ and ‘trichomes’, but good heavens do these plants have an abundance of them! To be honest I don’t even have the right verbiage to describe the density of THC crystals most of these plants have. It’s damn impressive to most anybody and more than plentiful to even the snobbiest of THC-freaks. One deep toke of her dried flowers could send you into an altered state… leading to weakness in the legs and a floating head… you hear angels rejoicing, but you know you’re not dead… “Good Heavens” is heard under your breath as you let out a deep sigh… leaving nothing else to be said…

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Good Heavens Sortensteckbriefe

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Gesamteindruck Indoor

Gesamteindruck Indoor
Good Heavens ist alles in allem absolut Irre und unbedingt Empfehlenswert
User Bewertung
Good Heavens kommt im Durchschnitt auf 10.00 von 10 möglichen Punkten!

Bekannte Phänotypen:

» Neu » bisher keine (homogen??)

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Good Heavens Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Good Heavens Stammbaum-Karte

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Kommentare zu Good Heavens

Alles in Allem haben wir 1 Benutzerkommentar über Annunaki Genetics' Good Heavens zusammengetragen. Leider ist bisher kein einziger Kommentar auf Deutsch verfasst worden, deswegen zeigen wir dir hier ersteinmal die Englischen Kommentare:

- 24.11.2022

Kommentar ist mit Good Heavens Steckbrief verknüpft!

Lucky enough to find a nice pheno that will for sure stay in my and my friends gardens for a while. Haven’t smoked her yet but excited to in the next few weeks.

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